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Capelli lunghi con pellicola sottile? Chiunque - ha senso? | Long hair with thin skin? Anyone - does it make sense?

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Ciao a tutti

Vedo che le unità di pelle sottile sono piuttosto popolari tra gli uomini, ma qualcuno lo consiglia per i capelli più lunghi?

È più delicato che le unità di pelle mantengano la lunghezza?

La durata è molto più breve rispetto alle unità di pizzo?

La pelle iniettata è più resistente di vloop?



Hi all

I can see thin skin units are quite popular with men but is anyone recommending it for longer hair?

Is it more delicate for skin units to hold onto length?

Is the durability much shorter than the lace units?

Is injected skin more durable than vloop?


Thank you

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  • zazza changed the title to Capelli lunghi con pellicola sottile vloop? Chiunque - ha senso? | Long hair with thin skin? Anyone - does it make sense?

I changed the Italian title because your translation sounded ridiculous ?  "pelle" in Italian is ONLY the body's skin, we say "pellicola" or, in particular for the super-thin one, v-loop. And btw "lace" is "lace", pizzo is in theory the correct translation but we use it only for female sexy underwear.


Well, I have the impression that both for short as well as for long hair it lasts less. In my case v-loop lasts something like 15% less than lace.

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  • zazza changed the title to Capelli lunghi con pellicola sottile? Chiunque - ha senso? | Long hair with thin skin? Anyone - does it make sense?
1 hour ago, zazza said:

I changed the Italian title because your translation sounded ridicxxxus ?  "pelle" in Italian is ONLY the body's skin, we say "pellicola" or, in particular for the super-thin one, v-loop. And btw "lace" is "lace", pizzo is in theory the correct translation but we use it only for female sexy underwear.


Well, I have the impression that both for short as well as for long hair it lasts less. In my case v-loop lasts something like 15% less than lace.

Hahaha thank you! Oh well, tell that to Google translate ?


Thank you for editing!

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2 hours ago, Brigitte said:

If you want, in vloop protesis you can take the skin thicker, so it becomes more resistent. 

Hi Brigitte


have you tried it? 


Does anyone know if vloop or injected make one better than the other? 

I understand the vloop hairs fall out easily but looks great in front.


If one wants a hair lift (volume at base) - is one better than other?


I ask a lot but it is hard to see real life examples of thin skin on woman and their feedback.

Appreciate the replies!


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Io sto indossando una protesi in pellicola sottile iniettata, con front in vloop e capelli lunghi. È la mia prima protesi in pellicola, ho sempre ordinato tutto lace. Posso dirti con certezza che la resa estetica è migliore, anche la manutenzione è molto più agevole rispetto al lace e  il problema della traspirazione non è rilevante, ma...ha una durata purtroppo minore. Dico, purtroppo, perché mi sto trovando veramente bene. Anche se... potrebbe essere, un problema(quello della perdita più veloce dei capelli)relativo esclusivamente ad un difetto di questa protesi. Potrei mandarti anche delle foto... Fammi sapere se queste potrebbero in qualche modo aiutarti. 

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10 ore fa, Kristinazml ha scritto:

Hi Brigitte


have you tried it? 


Does anyone know if vloop or injected make one better than the other? 

I understand the vloop hairs fall out easily but looks great in front.


If one wants a hair lift (volume at base) - is one better than other?


I ask a lot but it is hard to see real life examples of thin skin on woman and their feedback.

Appreciate the replies!


I used only one vloop prothesis, it was a stock so standard density and about 15 cm lenght. But I know you can choose it in different thickness. 
I tried an injection one (stock) but I didn’t like it because hair are flat (at base) and the skin thicker. 
I like vloop but I think I will never have lenght hair 20 cm longer ? so I don’t know how it will be work with long hair. 

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14 hours ago, Acciughina said:


I am wearing an injected thin film prosthesis, with a vloop front and long hair. It is my first film prosthesis, I have always ordered all lace. I can tell you with certainty that the aesthetic result is better, maintenance is also much easier than lace and the problem of perspiration is not relevant, but ... unfortunately it has a shorter duration. I say, unfortunately, because I'm finding myself really well. Although ... it could be, a problem (that of faster hair loss) related exclusively to a defect of this prosthesis. I could also send you some pictures ... Let me know if these could help you in any way. 

Of course, I would LOVE to see it as I had to luck seeing these in longer length on a woman. It would help so much! Thank you.

How to do this, I see there is no Private Message option?

Was your unit custom made or a stock unit? 

11 hours ago, Brigitte said:

I used only one vloop prothesis, it was a stock so standard density and about 15 cm lenght. But I know you can choose it in different thickness. 
I tried an injection one (stock) but I didn’t like it because hair are flat (at base) and the skin thicker. 
I like vloop but I think I will never have lenght hair 20 cm longer ? so I don’t know how it will be work with long hair. 

Oh yes, I don't like it flat either! So best to avoid injection one but go vloop for that volume effect?

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 Brigitte, sicuramente le iniettate hanno l'uscita del capello più schiacciato rispetto al lace, dove i capelli acquistano volume grazie ai nodi con cui sono attaccati alla retina. Io, personalmente, preferisco il volume e l'uscita del capello delle iniettate, l'effetto lo trovo più naturale. Se ordini una percentuale che va da 100 in su, sicuramente puoi dare maggiore volume.  Purtroppo io ho una totale, quindi non ho la necessità di integrare il capello della protesi con l'uscita dei miei capelli naturali. Più tardi se riesco vi inserisco delle foto, cosicché sia tu che Kristinazml possiate avere una idea più chiara del risultato di una pellicola iniettata. 

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22 hours ago, Acciughina said:



Wooow I mean this looks SO good!

Thank you so much for sharing these as pictures say 1000 words indeed.

Do you wear total made by your cast to fit perfectly?

Do you feel the edges around or they blend well with your skin?

You said you have vloop in front, I heard that is best for front. Is that way to go? And rest injected?

Do you use tapes or glue?

What is the density of this unit as it is really nice?

Compared to lace - is it as comfortable?

Is the skin unit less expensive than lace? As knotting of lace is more labour intensive..

So many questions but you are actually now making me look into skin units. Thank you!


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Il 16/2/2022 alle 19:03, zazza ha scritto:

I changed the Italian title because your translation sounded ridicxxxus ?  "pelle" in Italian is ONLY the body's skin, we say "pellicola" or, in particular for the super-thin one, v-loop. And btw "lace" is "lace", pizzo is in theory the correct translation but we use it only for female sexy underwear.


Well, I have the impression that both for short as well as for long hair it lasts less. In my case v-loop lasts something like 15% less than lace.

???pizzo ?????suona male come risposta ,almeno x i lettori privi della lingua inglese , che ci affidiamo  a google ?

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La mia è una pellicola sottile iniettata con front in vloop, 110 di foltezza e 35cm di lunghezza. Uso tape lungo tutto il perimetro e un filo di colla ad acqua negli ultimi millimetri del front. Per me, indossare una pellicola, è confortevole come lo è il lace, ma rispetto a quest'ultimo, la pellicola è più pratica nel momento della manutenzione e ha una migliore resa estetica, i bordi, se chiudi con colla, sono quasi del tutto impercettibili. Torno a ripetere che l'unica perplessità che ho in questo momento, riguardo alla pellicola sottile, è la sua durata, inquanto è palese, purtroppo, una maggiore perdita di capelli. 

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22 hours ago, Acciughina said:


Mine is a thin film injected with front in vloop, 110 in thickness and 35cm in length. I use tape along the entire perimeter and a thread of water glue in the last millimeters of the front. For me, wearing a film is as comfortable as lace is, but compared to the latter, the film is more practical in the moment of maintenance and has a better aesthetic effect, the edges, if you close with glue, are almost completely imperceptible. I repeat that the only perplexity I have at the moment, regarding the thin film, is its duration, as it is clear, unfortunately, a greater loss of hair. 

For hold long have you had it or expect to last?

Did you do a custom order based on your head cast?

I have seen some stock items but wondering how well that would sit if not custom made...

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@Acciughinaciao complimenti per il risultato, volevo chiederti i capelli sono europei o indiani? e se sono remy.

 Poi volevo chiedere in generale come vi trovate con indiani normali e remy ,perché a livello estetico e di resa finale non capisco la differenza, nel senso che i remy costano di più ma volevo capire se ne vale la pena spendere qualcosa in più con il remi.

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@Kristinazml la mia è una protesi ordinata in base al mio calco, quindi fatta su misura, di protesi stock invece non ho esperienza. 

@redmiin genere, ordino capelli europei, ma in queste foto sono indiani remy, non credo che qui si trovino indiani di altro tipo... Se dovessi sbagliare qualcuno mi corregga... 

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  • 4 weeks later...
14 minutes ago, Brigitte said:

OT for @Kristinazml are you come from Croatia?  Maybe I read something about that…. ? Or I’ve only dreamt it ?

I’m asking you because I need information abaout living in Croatia .

Yes I am ? think I mentioned it in my introduction post. 

Sure, ask away! Not sure if there is a way to private message?

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18 minuti fa, Kristinazml ha scritto:

Yes I am ? think I mentioned it in my introduction post. 

Sure, ask away! Not sure if there is a way to private message?

There aren’t private Messages here. Maybe due to some users’ incorrect behavior ( products’ sales….). 

I give you my email: xxxxxx



@zazza I give to kristina my personal email only for asking about living in Croatia!

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