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Kristinazml ha ricevuto reputazione da Brigitte in Reazioni alla "rivelazione". Sì, ma come?
I understand this topic as I hear it from woman's perspective all the time, too.
If you are scared of being judged, imagine how many women battle hairloss these days and become depressed since not having hair is somewhat normal for guys but not women.
Everyone thinks that a woman with no hair is sick and has cancer. So we go through the same struggles and internal dialogues and fears.
Fortunately, I started wearing when I was already in a serious relationship and my now husband was the one that stood by me whatever I decided to do.
He is shaved so we make fun together that I could teach him how to wear a hairpiece 🙂
And when I see same struggles from both men and female sides, makes me think if a dating app for hairloss men and women would be a good idea? 🙂
Not to say that you cannot meet someone normal but surely people who go through the same will not judge other one and would remove the friction from the start.
If I remember correctly, even on these boards some couples met?
And I personally know so many beautiful women who struggle with hairloss and use some helper hair (which you would not even know if you saw).
Kristinazml ha ricevuto reputazione da Crippler in Reazioni alla "rivelazione". Sì, ma come?
I understand this topic as I hear it from woman's perspective all the time, too.
If you are scared of being judged, imagine how many women battle hairloss these days and become depressed since not having hair is somewhat normal for guys but not women.
Everyone thinks that a woman with no hair is sick and has cancer. So we go through the same struggles and internal dialogues and fears.
Fortunately, I started wearing when I was already in a serious relationship and my now husband was the one that stood by me whatever I decided to do.
He is shaved so we make fun together that I could teach him how to wear a hairpiece 🙂
And when I see same struggles from both men and female sides, makes me think if a dating app for hairloss men and women would be a good idea? 🙂
Not to say that you cannot meet someone normal but surely people who go through the same will not judge other one and would remove the friction from the start.
If I remember correctly, even on these boards some couples met?
And I personally know so many beautiful women who struggle with hairloss and use some helper hair (which you would not even know if you saw).
Kristinazml ha ricevuto reputazione da elvis94 in Reazioni alla "rivelazione". Sì, ma come?
I understand this topic as I hear it from woman's perspective all the time, too.
If you are scared of being judged, imagine how many women battle hairloss these days and become depressed since not having hair is somewhat normal for guys but not women.
Everyone thinks that a woman with no hair is sick and has cancer. So we go through the same struggles and internal dialogues and fears.
Fortunately, I started wearing when I was already in a serious relationship and my now husband was the one that stood by me whatever I decided to do.
He is shaved so we make fun together that I could teach him how to wear a hairpiece 🙂
And when I see same struggles from both men and female sides, makes me think if a dating app for hairloss men and women would be a good idea? 🙂
Not to say that you cannot meet someone normal but surely people who go through the same will not judge other one and would remove the friction from the start.
If I remember correctly, even on these boards some couples met?
And I personally know so many beautiful women who struggle with hairloss and use some helper hair (which you would not even know if you saw).
Kristinazml ha ricevuto reputazione da Dago in Reazioni alla "rivelazione". Sì, ma come?
I understand this topic as I hear it from woman's perspective all the time, too.
If you are scared of being judged, imagine how many women battle hairloss these days and become depressed since not having hair is somewhat normal for guys but not women.
Everyone thinks that a woman with no hair is sick and has cancer. So we go through the same struggles and internal dialogues and fears.
Fortunately, I started wearing when I was already in a serious relationship and my now husband was the one that stood by me whatever I decided to do.
He is shaved so we make fun together that I could teach him how to wear a hairpiece 🙂
And when I see same struggles from both men and female sides, makes me think if a dating app for hairloss men and women would be a good idea? 🙂
Not to say that you cannot meet someone normal but surely people who go through the same will not judge other one and would remove the friction from the start.
If I remember correctly, even on these boards some couples met?
And I personally know so many beautiful women who struggle with hairloss and use some helper hair (which you would not even know if you saw).
Kristinazml ha ricevuto reputazione da hedwig in Any changes since Covid regarding hair orders?
Yes, that is what many are thinking. Once they saw we still pay, why go back.
One would hope advances in technology do bring prices down OR make greater durability advancements in the future.
Kristinazml ha ricevuto reputazione da hedwig in Grande dubbio aiutatemi per favore 🙈
Hi Peppe
don’t give up hope, you are only at the very start of your wearing journey.
Now you learn and perfect the process.
Great thing is you did the worst part and it helps a lot you have friends and family supporting you on this.
Not sure which hair system you have but it looks like knotted thin skin and quite thick.
Check out how lace looks on me, and this is a “thicker” lace (those who love higher density are recommended to stick with this type of lace).
This is lace with tape used and I wear it revealed most of the time. Have some side bangs but front is totally doable to be worn like this.
Don’t lose hope. We all learned and found what suits us best.
check even the gallery section of the NHS.it page to check what it possible.
looks to me that you just need a better unit - either lace or thin skin (truly thin skin)
Kristinazml ha ricevuto reputazione da pifevo in Grande dubbio aiutatemi per favore 🙈
Hi Peppe
don’t give up hope, you are only at the very start of your wearing journey.
Now you learn and perfect the process.
Great thing is you did the worst part and it helps a lot you have friends and family supporting you on this.
Not sure which hair system you have but it looks like knotted thin skin and quite thick.
Check out how lace looks on me, and this is a “thicker” lace (those who love higher density are recommended to stick with this type of lace).
This is lace with tape used and I wear it revealed most of the time. Have some side bangs but front is totally doable to be worn like this.
Don’t lose hope. We all learned and found what suits us best.
check even the gallery section of the NHS.it page to check what it possible.
looks to me that you just need a better unit - either lace or thin skin (truly thin skin)
Kristinazml ha ricevuto reputazione da gennaro2 in Grande dubbio aiutatemi per favore 🙈
Hi Peppe
don’t give up hope, you are only at the very start of your wearing journey.
Now you learn and perfect the process.
Great thing is you did the worst part and it helps a lot you have friends and family supporting you on this.
Not sure which hair system you have but it looks like knotted thin skin and quite thick.
Check out how lace looks on me, and this is a “thicker” lace (those who love higher density are recommended to stick with this type of lace).
This is lace with tape used and I wear it revealed most of the time. Have some side bangs but front is totally doable to be worn like this.
Don’t lose hope. We all learned and found what suits us best.
check even the gallery section of the NHS.it page to check what it possible.
looks to me that you just need a better unit - either lace or thin skin (truly thin skin)
Kristinazml ha dato reputazione a Fabibella in I vantaggi delle donne...
Ciao, tutte le protesi che vedi sono in lace con pellicola nei bordi (tranne il front che resta in lace), densità tra 110 e 120, nello specifico io faccio fare il front e o laterali 110, e il resto 120/125.
Finora ho sempre scelto capelli indiani per una questione economica ..se avessi la possibilità prenderei gli europei!
Fortunatamente sono stata brava nel passaggio colore/lunghezza/taglio... perché nessuno ha mai accennato a nulla!
Kristinazml ha dato reputazione a Dago in Come togliere il collante ostico dall'impianto in pellicola/v-loop
Era da un po' di tempo che volevo provare e trovare un prodotto che potesse pulire alla perfezione la pellicola dai residui ostici dei collanti che lasciano i vari tape con molta adesione,
come il supertape,strongtape,ultra hold etc.
Questi residui per chi come me tiene l'impianto adeso alla cute per 2/3 settimane, creano una poltiglia che si toglie con vari lavaggi e a volte non perfettamente,
rimane qualche punto che in fase di asciugatura scaldato con il phon si sente ancora che incolla, a me è capitato che lavavo l'impianto passando almeno 3 volte con lo shampoo l'interno e dopo i capelli, poi una volta phonato mi accorgevo che in qualche punto non era venuto pulito e quindi dovevo nuovamente mettere il remover e rifare il lavaggio con shampoo,
oggi su un impianto vecchio ma ancora perfettamente portabile ho provato ed ho utilizzato la pasta lavamani,
chi lavora o ha lavorato in officina sa di cosa parlo, questo prodotto toglie e pulisce le mani dal grasso,unto,colle e altro.
Ho da prima messo il remover sulla colla all'interno dell'impianto spalmandolo con le dita, poi ho preso la pasta lavamani e l'ho stesa passandola sopra al remover (la colla si è ragrumata in palline o filamenti), poi ho messo lo shampoo spalmandolo sempre con le dita e infine con uno spazzolino da denti ho strofinato l'impasto che si è venuto a creare dal centro verso l'esterno ed ho anche pettinato con lo spazzolino i capelli, togliendo i residui di colla dai capelli.
Ho lavato con acqua tiepida togliendo il tutto, ho rimesso lo shampoo nuovamente per pulire l'interno, ho risciacquato poi ho lavato i capelli per bene sempre con lo shampo.
Alla fine di tutto la pellicola è stata totalmente pulita dai residui di colla.
La pasta lavamani la si trova all'ipercoop o altro supermercato nel reparto articoli per l'auto, in ferramenta o su Amazon, io ho preso la Cyclon al limone.
Che dire la pellicola è venuta pulita e sgrassata alla perfezione.
Kristinazml ha dato reputazione a medusa in Buon Natale !
Un caro e sincero augurio di buon Natale a tutti voi.
E colgo l'occasione per ringraziare ancora una volta tutti coloro che partecipano attivamente alle discussioni, in particolare chi fornendo consigli e soluzioni contribuisce a rendere e mantenere questo forum la più grande risorsa di informazioni in materia di protesi di capelli.
Kristinazml ha ricevuto reputazione da zibibbo91 in Le protesi in lace con il tempo si restringono?
I do get a bit shrinking in my system but that is because I do cut it a bit in the front as time goes on to remove lace that frays a bit and to get to more dense area.
But this is in total like 1cm from start of a system life till the end. With long hair you do not notice if there is a bit shorter hair in the back where the gap appears.
Kristinazml ha dato reputazione a branwyn in Domanda per donne che portano una totale
No, non crea problemi al lace, ai nodi o all'adesivo.
Kristinazml ha ricevuto reputazione da Brigitte in Zona 1 e 3
The reason why I am looking to learn how to ventilate into lace, just a few hairs to fill out and extend the life.
Seems the same areas are affected in both lace and thin skin units. Interesting.
Maybe a device like this for repairing/making injected thin skins would be useful?
Kristinazml ha ricevuto reputazione da pifevo in Zona 1 e 3
The reason why I am looking to learn how to ventilate into lace, just a few hairs to fill out and extend the life.
Seems the same areas are affected in both lace and thin skin units. Interesting.
Maybe a device like this for repairing/making injected thin skins would be useful?
Kristinazml ha ricevuto reputazione da Dago in Going from STANDARD to TOTAL system - women/female
Great suggestion!!! I was actually thinking about it but wasn't sure if anyone is successfully doing it like that.
Thank you for sharing that, will indeed make use of older units for this and let you know back how it goes.
Kristinazml ha dato reputazione a Dago in Going from STANDARD to TOTAL system - women/female
Hello, I'm sorry you have to enlarge the implant, I possibly to contain prices (which I do by reconstructing my triangle points to avoid taking a total), I would try if you have the possibility to add a strip that you are going to cut out from an old system that you should discard, adding it in the back, you can decide to sew them together using one of the hairs to hide the union (some users already do it), or by joining them with tape, in this case you should shave a part of the strip that you will then attach to the lower top of your system. Staying hidden by your hair would not be noticed perhaps if you have a boyfriend or husband it could reveal it to the touch. I would initially try this to contain costs, then if you think it is too laborious then go to the total or because you think it is better to rely on an entire plant. Ciao,
mi dispiace che tu debba ingrandire l'impianto,
io eventualmente per contenere i prezzi (cosa che faccio ricostruendo i miei triangle points per evitare di prendere una totale),
proverei se ne hai la possibilità di aggiungere una striscia che andrai a ritagliare da un impianto vecchio che dovresti dismettere,aggiungendola nella parte posteriore,
puoi decidere di cucirle insieme utilizzando uno o dei capelli per nascondere l'unione (alcuni utenti già lo fanno), oppure unendole con il tape, in questo caso dovresti rasare una parte della striscia che poi andrai ad attaccare nella sommità bassa del tuo impianto.
Rimanendo nascosta dai capelli non la si noterebbe forse se hai un ragazzo o marito potrebbe rivelarla al tatto.
Io inizialmente proverei così per contenere i costi, poi se pensi che sia troppo laborioso allora passa alla totale oppure perché pensi che sia meglio affidarsi ad un ipianto intero.
Kristinazml ha dato reputazione a Dago in Migliore protesi per ottenere quest'effetto?
I think that for women who wear a total (as for some men), a lace implant is more optimal, especially for the possible duration over time and perhaps for a better adaptability to the head, although I now like Pifevo wear an implant in film but as you say it is a standard with maximum measurements of 25 x 20 centimeters in size. I have no memory of users who wear totals in film or v-loop.
Io penso che per le donne che portano una totale (come per qualche uomo), sia più ottimale un impianto in lace soprattutto per l'eventuale durata nel tempo e forse per una migliore adattabilità alla testa, nonostante io ora come Pifevo indossi un impianto in pellicola ma come dici tu è una standard con misure massime di 25 x 20 centimetri di dimensioni. Di utenti che indossino totali in pellicola o in v-loop non ho memoria.
Kristinazml ha ricevuto reputazione da Dago in Ordine femminile per la prima volta con NHS ma già indossato. Aiuto con l'ordine apprezzato/ Female first time order with NHS but already wearing. Help with the order appreciated
Hi all
I have come back to give my review on my first custom unit from here.
Note: I am wearing since 2013 so I am not a newbie. Have tried many different vendors and hair units in past
My specs were:
- base required in full lace - thick as suggested - standard prostheses: size 20x25 cm - hair length 45 cm - Indian hair - no white / gray hair - high density : 115 density front and 125 rest - hair color : will provide the locks (will then have two locks color mixed in 70:30 ratio (lighter 70% :darker 30%) - lace color - standard - yellow - straight hair (4.5) - bleached knots in front and middle part - freestyle ventilation Sent in my cast as well
Now the review after wearing it since May 4th :
When the unit first arrived it was bone straight.
Right after the first wash it was clear the unit is naturally wavy (Medusa did advise to make a note in next order for really straight hair).
Color was made well but am experiencing lightening at this point (had this issue with other units that have mid brown color in it) so next time will probably go with color 2 or so. Found few weird black hairs (I tend to find them with other vendors, too. Really hope that is not used as a filler hair).
Density was a bit too much at least on the very perimeter. Had to work with tweezers to thin these areas.
Hair length was really good and full to ends.
Fit of the cap is also good.
Lace is great and knots are good, too. This is very important and happy to see NHS has this nailed. I kind of expected this based on many stories here.
Hair seems to be at the normal rate of shedding.
Now the main trouble I am having:
1. The hair seems much drier than I was hoping for. Not sure if it is because it is wavy hair (but I used to have wavy units before) or the coloring job they did which dries it a bit.
Ladies and men with longer hair - would you have any recommendation how to combat this?
2. If I wish for hair that dries straight and is more silky - would it make sense to order Chinese hair?
Hope this helps other women trying to nail specs as it helped me seeing yours, too.
I am happy with this company just feel like I need to tweak few thing to make it right for me.
Thank you for all your help in advance and special thanks to @medusa for all your help!
(first picture is air dried unit, after thinning the sides around 10% and adding side bangs in front)
Kristinazml ha ricevuto reputazione da Dago in Ordine femminile per la prima volta con NHS ma già indossato. Aiuto con l'ordine apprezzato/ Female first time order with NHS but already wearing. Help with the order appreciated
Yes, if it comes to that point maybe even the full lace wigs that are commercially available would be an option. Probably not the correct fit but close enough.
Many black ladies are just going that route for full wigs.
It just does become too expensive to custom make full pieces these days which is a bummer.
I really hoped hair industry would come up with an alternative solutions by now. 2 years disrupted work is something you would expect innovations to blossom.
We are planning going to Mars but still glue our hairs the same ways for decades... ?
This was a bit of rant but I know we all get it and live with it.
Always happy to see other experiences as it is not something you can easily share with others and get any advice on.
Appreciate you all here. Just wanted to put it in here ?
Kristinazml ha dato reputazione a medusa in Disponibilità protesi stock
Disponibile tra le stock "varie" una pellicola iniettata colore capelli 3 in EUROPEI bellissimi !
Kristinazml ha dato reputazione a Dago in Nodi ai capelli, sono veramente disperato!
The quality of the implants taken in the factory is superior, the stocks are generally purchased in other factories where they make good implants but are slightly lower than those taken in the factory that Medusa has been relying on for 15 years. La qualità degli impianti presi in fabbrica è superiore,
le stock sono generalmente acquistate in altre fabbriche dove realizzano buoni impianti ma sono leggermente inferiori a quelli presi nella fabbrica a cui si appoggia Medusa da 15 anni.
Those that eventually come from the main factory, are those that some users send back because they are not satisfied because of the color, for an erroneous measurement, etc.etc Quelle che eventualmente provengono dalla fabbrica principale,
sono quelle che alcuni utenti rimandano indietro perché non soddisfatti per via del colore,per una erronea misura, etc.etc
Kristinazml ha dato reputazione a medusa in Nodi ai capelli, sono veramente disperato!
Si riferisce però alle protesi personalizzate, la cui qualità complessiva è migliore..
Le stock le prendo da altre fabbriche, non da quella principale da cui facciamo gli ordini da 15 anni.
La qualità è buona, ma trattandosi appunto di stock non è il massimo.
Ricordo che il concetto di stock si riferisce ad una situazione di emergenza con cui temporeggiare.
Nessuno vieta di andare avanti anche solo con queste, ma ovviamente non ci si può aspettare il massimo della qualità del capello, dello scolorimento dei nodi, ecc.
In ogni caso sia per gli ordini personalizzati che per le stock la durata è soggettiva e dipende da quanto l'impianto si strapazza (pettina. lava, espone al sole ecc.)
Neppure le protesi fatte su misura in genere superano i 6 mesi vita, tranne rari casi. A maggior ragione le stock.
Kristinazml ha dato reputazione a Brigitte in Presentazione nuovo utente
Guarda…io ancora agli albori avevo acquistato il remover C-22 della walker. Con il remover vegetal non mi trovavo molto bene così l’ho provato…super! Su pellicola va tenuto max 2-3 minuti! C’è scritto sulla confezione.
(per la pelle io uso uno struccante occhi bifasico, non uso remover)