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"Effects of Finasteride on Apoptosis and Regulation of the Human Hair



: Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 2001 Feb 15;171(1):12-9 Related Articles, Books,




Critical role of calcium overloading in cadmium-induced apoptosis in mouse



Shen HM, Dong SY, Ong CN.


Centre for Environmental and Occupational Health, Department of Community,

Occupational and Family Medicine, MD3, Faculty of Medicine, National

University of Singapore, 16 Medical Drive, Singapore, 117597, Republic of



Cadmium (Cd) is a well-known environmental carcinogen and immunotoxin.

Currently the direct cytotoxic effects of Cd on thymocytes are largely

unexplored. The main objective of the present study was to investigate the

apoptogenic property of Cd and the mechanisms involved, using primary

cultured mouse thymocytes as a model. Cd-induced apoptosis in thymocytes

was studied by TdT-mediated dUTP nick end-labeling assay and DNA gel

electrophoresis. The results showed that Cd was able to cause apoptosis in

mouse thymocytes in a time- and dose-dependent manner. Moreover, Cd

exposure led to a rapid and sustained intracellular calcium (Ca2+)

elevation, followed by caspase-3 activation and PARP cleavage, all of

which preceded the characteristic DNA fragmentation. BAPTA-AM, a specific

intracellular Ca2+ chelator, abolished Cd-induced Ca2+ overloading and

subsequently inhibited caspase-3 activation, PARP cleavage, and

apoptosis.It is believed that intracellular Ca2+ elevation may trigger

caspase-3 activation either through mitochondria or through activation of

Ca2+-dependent protease in Cd-treated thymocytes. Results from this study

thus provide new information for a better understanding of the immunotoxic

and immunomodulatory effects of Cd.

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seee e che fai traduci parola per parola??!?!

se fai così stravolgi il senso delle frasi perchè le decontestualizzi,per una traduzione con un minimo di senso ci vuole + di un semplice dizionario! ..visto che è anche un linguaggio piuttosto specifico,e tigro ha esperienza in entrambe le cose icon_biggrin.gif



Staaay young!

& invincible!

'cos we know just what we 'R

& come what may we're unstoppable

Cos we know just what we R!>

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Iama ha ragione cmq ...

è un articolo su degli studi fatti all'uni di singapore e tratta solo ed esclusivamente degli effetti collaterali del cadmio, ke, sekondo loro, è contenuto nella fina (non è ke contenga vero e proprio cadmio, ma può diventarlo) e cmq sono solo studi .. niente di reale e concreto




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della fina c è un riferimento pressochè nullo.......forse c entrano piu le mele e le pere caro renato.......xxxxx nel 2001 una base d inglese non mi sembra un esagerazione.....e cmq con babylon almeno imparava qualche termine......ciao a tutti.....

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