Cmq il link dice che il loniten (minoxidil x via orale) ha avuto grossi effetti su questa persona se non ho capito male:
#20631, "What grows hair for me. Who can explain why ?"
I have tried basically everything - Proscar - spiro - dut - minox - Dr Lee's crap - green teas - saw palmetto - you name it in topicals and pills alike in many different combinations. There is one thing that actually does work by itself or with the combo of other crap. LONITEN 10mg a day !!! In 30 to 45 days my existing hair is not only thicker, but above my temples I can actually see new growing hair which eventually comes in pretty well. Here is the question. If loniten is just basically "expanding" capillaries ( and all other blood passages ) to my follicles thereby increasing blood flow, then should'nt it actually get more DHT to the root and cause increased hairloss ??????
- se il loniten serve solo a espandere i capillari verso i follicoli incrementando l'afflusso di sangue, allora dovrei avere motlo piu' DHT che affluisce verso la radici, quindi non dovrebbero cadermi piu' capelli?? -
Invece il minox non serve solo a abbassare la pressione, ma come dicono tutti i docs, mima un fattore di crescita del bulbo ed e' per questo che i capelli crescono, non x' i capillari si espandono....