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Cacchio, non riesco a mandarti un messaggio privato, mi compare questa scritta:


Content-type: text/html

Software error:

SMTP RCPT command failed:


Please check your SMTP mail server name.


This server seems to exist but does not seem to allow us to relay mail.


There may also be a problem with one of the email addresses you are trying to mail to.


at D:/www/ line 39


For help, please send mail to this site's webmaster, giving this error message and the time and date of the error



L'unica soluzione e' che scrivi il tuo indirizzo email, cosi' poi ti dico chi sono wink.gif

Aspetto con fiducia biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

Parola di Zio Umberto wink2.gif

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