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io mi chiamo Annamaria, ho 26 anni e avrei bisogno di un aiuto per un problema che mi preoccupa (diciamo pure terrorizza!). Da novembre scorso ho notato un diradamento rapidissimo dei capelli in tutta la zona della calotta cranica, molto evidente davanti ma abbastanza uniforme. Non mi cadono mai molti capelli quando li lavo o pettino, il problema è che perdo continuamente quelli più corti, che stanno crescendo, mentre di nuovi ne compaiono sempre meno. Su consiglio del dermatologo (che ha dato la colpa a un brutto periodo di stress unito alla sospensione e ripresa x 2 volte in 3 mesi della pillola) da febbraio uso Monoxidil al 2% ogni sera, ma i risultati sono sconfortanti. Lo stesso dermatologo ha detto che più di così non si può fare (tanto che secondo lui dovrei sospendere il Minoxidil) e che "non devo abbattermi" ... ma come faccio se quando mi guardo allo specchio vedo sempre meno capelli e sempre più bianco della cute sotto??

C'è qualcuno che mi può dare consigli o suggerire a chi/dove posso chiedere?


Grazie e scusate la lunghezza!



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Se è come dice il tuo dermatologo dovresti stare tranquilla perchè finito questo periodo nero dovrebbero ricrescere tutti nuovamente.

Ho sentito parlare di buoni risultati nelle donne con minoxidil 5%+ spironolattone.


Benvenuta! smile.gif

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Condividi su altri siti ci dai il num di telefono,ti aiutiamo mejo! tongue.gif no dai 'stò scherzando biggrin.gif,spero che il tuo problema si risolva al più presto,e sopratutto senza le complicazioni e lo stress del caso frown.gif,

ciao non esitare a chiedere se hai problemi,ti aiuteranno tutti!



comunque HAL calcola che può dare irsutismo e per una donna è un effetto collaterale non da poco...


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Condividi su altri siti la crescita di peli nel corpo aumenta! e non credo sia così raro poi,hai visto quante persone hanno presentato crescita di peli anomala e irsutismo? ..abbiamo molti esempi nel forum,

comunque meglio se è rara! e comunque ho letto che appunto per questo motivo è sconsigliato l'uso del minox 5%,per le donne va bene il 2%anche puro meglio che prova ancora un pò quello!! e poi calcola che lo somministra solamente da febbraio!!! ci vuole un pò di tempo no? (anche se i capelli delle donne invece che 4 mesi ci mettono 3 mesi circa a rigenerarsi)..Aliena Prova a cambiare dermatologo,

di dove sei?? non funziona allora solo successivamente prova il minox al 5%,ma è ancora presto per bocciare quello che usi,ok? smile.gif




[This message has been edited by plastiko (edited 28 May 2001).]

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Aliena leggi qui sotto se sai l'inglese ti aiuterà a capire "perchè"!

scusate il post è lungo cmq il sito da cui l'ho preso è

se vuoi altre informazioni anche sui trattamenti:

poi clikka su:

your hair loss (nel menù di sinistra)

e poi hair loss in women



(This section focuses on diagnostic aspects of hair loss in women).


Hair loss is relatively common in women, more common than one would imagine. The presentation, however, is much different than in men and the management of women with hair loss requires significant expertise in both diagnosis and treatment. For those women in whom surgical hair restoration is indicated, special surgical skills are required to achieve the best results. It is a mistake for a surgeon to assume that hair loss in women can be treated the same way as in men.


Women generally have a diffuse thinning (less hair all over), in contrast to men who more frequently have a "patterned" type (hair loss that spares the back and sides). Women often maintain their frontal hairline, whereas men characteristically lose a significant amount of hair in the front part of their scalp from the very beginning. Hair loss in women is most often very gradual, with the rate accelerating during pregnancy and at menopause. It is more often cyclical than in men, with seasonal changes that reverse themselves, and it is more easily affected by hormonal changes, medical conditions, and external factors.


There are two simple "bedside" tests that a doctor can use to help support a diagnosis of hair loss. The first is the "hair pull" in which a fingerling of hair is gently pulled and the hairs that easily pull out are counted. The second is "densitometry" in which a small area of the scalp is clipped short and examined under magnification (usually 30x). The hair density (number of hairs per cm) can then be measured and the approximate percentage of hairs that are in a miniaturized state (and subject to being lost) can be assessed.


To understand the different types of hair loss in women, and their management, it is helpful to divide the patterns into three broad categories.


Localized Hair Loss

Localized hair loss may be sub-divided into scarring and non-scarring types. Alopecia Areata is a genetic, auto-immune disease that typifies the non-scarring type. It manifests itself with the sudden onset of round patches of hair loss associated with normal skin and can be treated with local injections of Cortico-steroids. Scarring Alopecia can be caused by a variety of medical or dermatologic conditions such as Lupus and Lichen Planus, or local radiation therapy. Baldness from injuries, or from local medical problems that have been cured, are usually amenable to hair transplantation.


Localized hair loss that occurs around the hairline after face-lift surgery may be permanent as can Traction Alopecia, the hair loss that occurs with constant tugging on the hair. Both of these conditions can be treated with hair transplantation.


Patterned Hair Loss

Women with this type of hair loss have a pattern similar to what we observe in men. In other words, they have thinning in front or on top of their scalp with little hair loss in the permanent zone around the sides and in the back. Thus, the balding is in a characteristic "pattern" rather than generalized. Women with patterned hair loss may be excellent candidates for surgical restoration.


Diffuse Hair Loss

A third category of hair loss in women is a generalized thinning that affects all parts of the scalp. This is the most common type of hair loss seen in females. In this situation, much of the hair remains, but the thickness of the hair shaft is smaller than normal hair. The medical term for this type of thinning is "Diffuse Un-patterned Alopecia". These women have thinning that involves the donor area so that women with this type of hair loss are generally not good candidates for surgery. This condition may be identified with a Densitometer, an instrument developed by the New Hair Institute, which assesses the population of miniaturized hair in different parts of the scalp. (Miniaturization is the process by which hairs shrink in length and diameter from the effects of hormones.)


Because diffuse hair loss can be caused by a variety of conditions other than "hereditary balding" women who are losing their hair should be evaluated by a physician who is experienced with these problems. Most important, they should know when a medical evaluation is appropriate and whether medical or surgical treatments will offer the greatest benefit.


The physicians at the New Hair Institute have extensive experience treating women with hair loss problems. They have developed instrumentation that is used to determine which women may be helped by hair transplantation and those whose hair loss would be better managed by non-surgical means. NHI physicians are dedicated to seeing that women who are not candidates for transplantation receive the proper care and are not inappropriately treated with surgery.


What Causes Hair Loss in Women?

Common or "hereditary" baldness in women appears to be related to the same major factors that cause hair loss in men:






As is men, the genes that cause hair loss can be inherited from either your mother or father. The expression of these genes is dependent on hormones called androgens, so common hair loss in women is called "Androgenetic Alopecia" (the same term is used for common balding in men).


There are a number of reasons to explain why hair loss in women presents differently than in men (although all of the factors are still not completely understood). Probably the most important reason is that men have a much higher level of the androgen testosterone. This is the hormone that is responsible for male sexual characteristics and, when the body converts it to DHT, it becomes the main culprit in causing baldness. Fortunately, the much lower levels of testosterone in women spare them from the extensive hair loss that is often seen in men.


Testosterone is converted to DHT by the enzyme 5-alpha reductase that is present in higher concentrations in the balding areas of the scalp. Women have only ½ the amount of this enzyme overall as men and have even less in the crown. In addition, women have higher levels of an enzyme called aromatase in all areas of the scalp that may block the formation of DHT. This enzyme is present in especially high concentration in the frontal hairline in women, possibly explaining why this area is fortunately resistant to balding in most females.


With age some normal degree of hair loss occurs in everyone so that total hair volume will decrease over time in both sexes. The hair loss associated with genetic balding is also dependent upon time to express itself. Hair loss tends to occur at different rates at different periods in one´s life with increased loss often occurring during periods of hormonal change, such as pregnancy and menopause.


Other Causes of Diffuse Hair Loss in Women

A number of "non-androgenetic" factors may be responsible for hair loss in women. Women´s hair seems to be particularly sensitive to underlying medical conditions. Since "systemic" problems often cause a diffuse type of hair loss pattern that can be confused with genetic balding, it is important that women with undiagnosed hair loss, especially of the diffuse or "un-patterned" type, be properly evaluated.


Among the many medical conditions that can cause hair loss, the most common ones are:



thyroid disease

other endocrine problems (especially those that produce excess androgens)

gynecological conditions - such as ovarian tumors

connective tissue disease (such as Lupus)

surgical procedures and general anesthesia

rapid weight loss or crash diets that are not nutritionally balanced

severe emotional stress

It is also important to review the use of medications that can cause hair loss. The more common ones are:


oral contraceptives

thyroid medication

blood pressure medication (such as beta-blockers or water pills)

"mood" medication such as lithium, Prozac, or tri-cyclic antidepressants

blood thinners such as heparin or coumadin

cholesterol lowering medication

medication for gout, such as Zyloprim

anti-inflammatory drugs such as cortisone

vitamin A or tryptophan in high doses

street drugs (such as cocaine)

Laboratory Evaluation in Women

The decision of when to perform a laboratory evaluation in women experiencing hair loss must be made on an individual basis by your physician. In this section we briefly describe some of the situations where your doctor may order lab tests and what they might be. It is important to stress that this is just an overview for your general information. When a physician orders laboratory tests he/she bases it upon specific clinical information and this can only be determined by the doctor who evaluates you.


The following signs and symptoms suggest that specific blood tests might be appropriate to rule out underlying sources of excess androgen:


Irregular periods - for an extended period of time

Cystic acne - severe acne which usually leaves scars

Hirsuitism - increased body hair that doesn´t normally run in your family

Virilization - appearance of secondary male sex characteristics such as a deepened voice

Infertility - inability to become pregnant

Galactorrahea - breast secretions when not pregnant (this is due to prolactin which is not actually an androgen)

Some of the tests that your doctor might order in these situations include the following:


Total and Free Testosterone - the hormone that is mainly responsible for male secondary sex characteristics

DHEA-Sulfate - a precursor to testosterone

Prolactin - the hormone that enables the breast to secrete milk

Other test that are commonly ordered for underlying medical conditions include:


CBC (complete blood count) - for Anemia

Serum iron (and TIBC) - for Anemia

T3, T4, TSH - for Thyroid disease

ANA - for Lupus

STS - for Syphilis

Localized Hair Loss


There are others causes of hair loss in women that are relatively common. Hairstyles that exert constant pull on the hair, such as "corn rows" or tightly woven braids produce a characteristic pattern called "Traction Alopecia" that can be identified by a rim of thinning or baldness along the frontal hairline and at the temples. This is easily prevented by changing your daily habits, but once the hair loss occurs it may be permanent. Fortunately this condition is easily amenable to surgery.


It is not often mentioned, but brow- and face-lift surgery can often result in local hair loss in the vicinity of the incision. This may present as hair loss along the frontal hairline, in the temples or adjacent to a surgical scar. Fortunately, these women have not experienced other types of hair loss and thus have a good donor supply and make excellent candidates for hair transplantation.


It is important to remember that there are also medical conditions that can cause localized hair loss such as Lupus, Alopecia Areata, fungal infections and a number of other problems that would require a knowledgeable physician for diagnosis and treatment. Some of the simple tests used to diagnosis these conditions include a scraping and culture for fungus and a skin biopsy that may identify Lupus or other causes of scarring hair loss.




[This message has been edited by plastiko (edited 28 May 2001).]

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