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Alvi Armani Nuovo Miracolo 2500 Unità ! Minchia


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I would just like to say, that I in no way get paid for sharing this information with any of you. Nor have I or will I receive any refunds and/or discounts for any of the work that I have had done or may do in the future. The soul reason of why I have posted this information here is to share my experience with you in hopes that I can educate others in making a good decision in the future.


I probably would have never made the decision that I made back in April if it wasn't for the people that had the strength, knowledge and courage to go have this type of work done and share it with the rest of us. I know all to well the damaging effects hair loss can have on a person. It is a loss that is very difficult to deal with physically, emotionally, and mentally.


I just hope that I have done what others have done before me and that is to pass my knowledge and courage on to you to take the first step back to recovery. This truly has been a life changing event for me.



3 DAYS AFTER THE PROCEDURE: - his own words

Please notice that this is only 3 days after the surgery. I still have a lot of swelling in my eyes and forehead.


A lot of the scabs have already fallen off. It was a very high density HT, but tapers off as it goes back into my existing hair.


I know that as I get older, my hair loss will continue and I will probably need some kind of follow-up work HT in the future. When that will be, is hard to know.


However, Dr. Alvi and I had a number of lengthy discussions on this topic before the surgery and we both decided that since I have enough donor hair on reserve, we could go ahead with this aggressive high density surgery. We also considered the fact that HT technology is evolving very rapidly and who knows what will be available to us 5, 10, and 15 years on down the road.


I also believe the success that I have been having with medical treatments has also allowed me the potential of restoring my youthful look again. I will just have to keep my fingers crossed that these products will continue to work for the years to come. Then again, if they don't I will just have to go in for more HT work to fill in those areas that thin.


Now we just wait for the results!


3 MONTH PROGRESS: - his own words

Here are the latest photos of my progress, taken on 7/23/03, 3 months after HT.


Well, the hair seems to be growing in quite nicely. However, the density isn't quite the same as the rest of my head, but I still feel a ton of in-grown hairs. So, I imagine in a couple months the density will be much better.


Probably the part that I am most satisfied with right now is how the growth pattern follows my pre-existing growth pattern, ie. the hair flows in the same direction as it did when I originally had hair there.


5 MONTH PROGRESS: - his own words

The following pictures were taken 5 months after HT. Density seems to really be filling in and I still have quite a few more ingrown hair bumps. Last weekend at a local bar, my friends were complimenting me on my hair and couldn't believe how thick it is.


None of them know that I had a HT and nor could they tell. A couple of them kept asking me what I was doing and I just told them I was using Rogaine =) (None of them have a hair loss problem.)


After I took these photos, I went to have my hair cut for the firt time since surgery. After the hair cut, which included hair color, wash and cut, I told him that I had a HT and asked him if he noticed. I also pointed out to him that I have a scar from ear to ear on the back of my head. He replied by saying "Wow, I had no idea and I didn't see any scars."


As far as the scar goes, I have tried to take a picture of it. However, due to the scar being such a very fine line and the thickness and length of my hair, it has been almost impossible to get a clear picture of it. The only way I might be able to get a picture would be to shave the back of my head (ain't gonna happen).


The scar is about the same size as one of the smaller creases in your hand, and goes from ear to ear. I feel around on my head and it is almost impossible to feel. I have had other people feel my head to try and find it. However, the only way they have found the scar is by me placing their fingers directly on it.


7 MONTH PROGRESS: - his own words

Well, here I am at month 7 post op. As you can see, I've had some highlights done to my hair and at this point I can honestly say I have my original head of hair back.


Giù con i commenti xxxxx, questo tra poco apre una clinica quì a Roma. Non vedo l'ora w00t.gifw00t.gif

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di questo alvi armani molti altri chirurghi ne parlano male quindi ci sono 2 possibilita:

1) lui e bravissimo e gli altri chirurghi parlano male di lui per metterlo in cattiva luce

2)oppure le sue foto che sono le piu magnifiche e incredibili che abbia mai visto sono delle bufale e ritoccate.

non saprei. se un utente del forum si opera da lui e ottiene quei risultati allora ci credero.

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Sinceramente un chirurgo che usa 2500 o 1900 uf ad una densità altissima solo per risolvere una stempiatura su pazienti giovanissimi mi sa di molto commerciale e poco rispettoso riguardo gli interessi del paziente.... almeno credo wink.gif

Esattamente: In America è ferocemente criticato per il suo approccio "aggressivo", ovverossia per l'enorme spreco di u.f. trapiantate in zone non particolarmente estese.

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Esattamente: In America è ferocemente criticato per il suo approccio "aggressivo", ovverossia per l'enorme spreco di u.f. trapiantate in zone non particolarmente estese.

Ovvero un ottimo modo per attirare clienti, disposti a tutto pur di ritrovare l'aspetto di quando avevano 20 anni... a me nn sembra un atteggiamento serio.

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fino a prova contraria mi pare che le foto non sono ritoccate mentre una foto di Hasson

che è presente su questo stesso sito è stata spudoratamente ritoccata, e sapete a chi mi riferisco.

Poi sono fatte in primo piano e anche se non viene mostrato il viso si capisce che le persone sono sempre le stesse.

Basta vedere le rughe del viso insomma.

Poi non eravate voi che volevate le linee frontali da diciottenni ? le densità naturali ? le stempiature coperte ? no dico ma allora che cosa è che volete ?

fate pace col cervello.


E' innegabile che i risultati sono eclatanti ma è anche vero che i 2 soggetti in questione partivano da forme di calvizie leggere.

Però questi risultati in Italia scordiamoceli anche tra dieci anni.

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fino a prova contraria mi pare che le foto non sono ritoccate mentre una foto di Hasson

che è presente su questo stesso sito è stata spudoratamente ritoccata, e sapete a chi mi riferisco.




Poi non eravate voi che volevate le linee frontali da diciottenni ? le densità naturali ? le stempiature coperte ? no dico ma allora che cosa è che volete ?

fate pace col cervello.


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Son d'accordo in tutto e per tutto con Ceriale....


abbiamo scritto centinaia e centinaia di post sulle densita' troppo basse che la maggior parte dei chirurghi promettono e adesso che uno riesce a raggiungere i risultati che prima auspicavamo lo veniamo a criticare senza mezzi termini....e poi la densita' la richiede il voi preferite 25 UF per cm2 anziche' 80 non penso proprio che il sig Alvi Armani si rifiutera' di operarvi....che poi il suddetto signore sia anche un maestro del marketing poco c'entra con la sua reale o presunta bravura....



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