spartacus Inviato: 6 Gennaio 2004 Segnala Share Inviato: 6 Gennaio 2004 Una strada nuova, ma non so wuanto utile: "Colin Jahoda, biologo dell'universita di Durham, ha prelevato alcune cellule dal proprio cuoio capelluto, le ha trapiantate sul braccio della moglie, ed ha poi ritrasferito i capelli che ne erano nati sulla propria testa. La bizzarria dell'esperimento non deve ingannare: l'importanza del risultato e nel fatto che, sebbene donatore e ricevente non fossero consanguinei, il trapianto è riuscito senza che vi fosse rigetto, dimostrando che le cellule del follicolo pilifero godono di uno specialissimo privilegio: i tessuti di un completo estraneo, anziche scatenare la consueta reazione di rifiuto del sistema immunitario verso tutto quel che e "altro da se", sono accettati bene dall'organismo. Talmente bene che, tre settimane dopo il trapianto sul braccio della signora Jahoda, anche lei ricercatrice, le cellule del marito si erano trovate talmente a loro agio da aver insegnato all'epidermide della donna a produrre capelli. " Link al commento Condividi su altri siti More sharing options...
Aragorn Inviato: 7 Gennaio 2004 Segnala Share Inviato: 7 Gennaio 2004 E' uno studio vecchio di alcuni anni che purtroppo non ha portato a nulla di pratico. La stessa strada è stata abbracciata di recente da Ray Woods, vedremo se ci saranno sviluppi. Ciao :innocente: ___________________________________________________________________ Person-to-Person Hair Transplantation: Dr. Woods & Dr. Campbell unveils the latest in hair transplantation research Person-to-Person Hair Transplantation pushing the limit one more time Author: Dr. Woods & Dr. Campbell Last year, we agreed to present the Woods Technique, in its entirety, to the Chicago ISHRS meeting. Due to protests, this invitation ceased to exist. To some, this was an incredible missed opportunity. To others it was possibly a sigh of relief. As with many things , people need to make a decision regarding what they know, what they want to know, and what they don't want to know. Perhaps some are confusing our claims of "end point" technology with infallibility. In this discipline, no one can be infallible. But what is possible is commitment to trauma minimalization, the best possible results and providing the safest surgery yet conceived. ISHRS members had the opportunity to see it and "maybe" things could have changed. It seems to us that possibly, the price of change, for some people, is just too high. So, we continue to build a safe platform from which to launch successful trainees. But the harder we try to build it, the greater the attempts to destroy it. In the past 18 months, we visited the USA 10 times. There has been more than a dozen large information publications in the American Medical Association Magazine, public and private seminars and widespread TV news exposure etc etc. The shock waves have been felt throughout the entire industry, worldwide. All this is done to educate and wizen the mainstream public, so that they ask questions and seek verification of doctors advertising and claims. And one day, as our trainees enter the market place, the wider public will understand who they are and what they represent However, increasingly sophisticated attempts to derail our efforts are well underway. Why are they doing this? Its quite simple. The principles of The Woods Technique (Declaration of Patient Rights), is something many do not want embraced by the mainstream public. We are committed to bringing together the right doctors, who in turn, are committed to doing what is proper and right "Not because it is easy, but because it is hard...” On another note, there is much controversy about hair multiplication and cloning. Despite breakthroughs with cloning mammals , reptiles, and talk of cloning humans, has anyone yet cloned or multiplied a follicle ? With this in mind, we do not pretend for one second to have a better chance than anyone else, but we do intend to see what happens when follicles are longitudinally split. The patient “PaulV” , whose controversy many will remember, is returning for further sessions. His posterior crown will be the test area. We have also been looking at the idea of person to person transplants. This carries major logistic and ethical issues. Over the last few months, a client is being assessed for receiving hair from his sister. We have the leading transplant immunologists in the country performing every conceivable test and we are looking at the ethical implications. There is no guarantee yet that we can proceed but we are waiting anxiously for the final go ahead. Despite all this one must look at the major reason for hair loss. Obviously, it is androgenic alopecia. However, the SECOND greatest reason for loss of hair from the recipient and donor areas is hair transplant surgery itself. When we made the FUE breakthrough some years ago, it was with the full understanding that if done incorrectly, it too will cause scalp shock and damage. Hence, the Declaration of Patient Rights guidelines. This complimented by our utilization of body hair discovery meant that the great majority of people will get what they need from their own natural resources, with preserved pre existing and donor hair. All the other things are important, but every effort to avoid surgical damage and further hair loss must become every HT surgeons immediate obligation, duty and FIRST PRIORITY. Dr Woods and Dr Campbell Link al commento Condividi su altri siti More sharing options...
sansone2003 Inviato: 7 Gennaio 2004 Segnala Share Inviato: 7 Gennaio 2004 Ricordo che anni fa' circa 91 su Salve apparve un articolo su un intervento in cui ***CENSORED*** aveva eseguito un trapianto di capelli da madre a figlio. Ma so' che questo come altri giornali che parlano di medicina e salute vendono le pagine a suon di milioni. Link al commento Condividi su altri siti More sharing options...
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