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One Day Session with the inventor of Follicle Transplantatio


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Dr. Coen Gho Taking A Bite Of The Big Apple !


One Day Only. "Meet & Greet" Session

In New York City With The Inventor Of

Follicle Transplantation & HAIRmultiplication


HairSite is pleased to announce that Gho Clinic will be holding a one day "Meet & Greet" session in New York City this fall. This is the first time ever Coen Gho, MD, from The Netherlands unveils a public presentation for his Follicle Transplantation and HAIRmultiplication procedures, two of the world's most controversial hair restoration techniques. HairSite is extremely honored to be associated with this event and we will be providing full coverage of the entire presentation to our readers.


Mark Your Calendar - October 19, 2003


The event will be held on October 19, 2003 in New York City. Details of the location and time of the event will be provided to registered attendees only.


What To Expect


The event will last about 2 hours. Dr. Gho will conduct two presentations on the background of Follicle Transplantation and HAIRmultiplication. Each presentation will be followed by a Q&A session. Attendees may also be presented the opportunity to interact with actual patients of Follicle Transplantation and examine the results in person. This "Meet & Greet" session is NOT intended to be a venue for hair transplant consultation with Dr. Gho. No consultation will be given to the attendees at this event. Individuals are advised to use HairSite's online consultation service or to contact Gho Clinic directly for the purpose of a hair transplant consultation.


Follicle Transplantation


In Dr. Gho's own words: "Follicle Transplantation is a pre-study of HAIRmultiplication. The goal was to identify what part of the hair follicle is responsible for hair growth". With this study, Gho Clinic discovered that hair transplantation can actually be accomplished less invasively without having to extract the entire hair follicle in the donor area. With Follicle Transplantation, the goal is to extract the donor follicles in such a way that will allow the harvested follicles to regenerate in the donor site. Theoretically, Follicle Transplantation can also be described as a form of hair multiplication and if the procedure is done properly, it may address the issue of donor follicles depletion associated with traditional hair transplantation techniques. Dr. Cho's Follicle Transplantation technique also falls under the broad category of Follicular Unit Extraction or FUE, a most sought after alternative to traditional hair transplantation procedures nowadays. Presently, Dr. Gho is among one of the three hair transplant doctors in the world who performs FUE exclusively on his patients. FUE does not leave a linear scar on the patient's scalp and is many times less invasive than traditional hair transplantation procedures with a minimal of complications in patients.




Hair multiplication is probably the most controversial hair restoration research in the world. The idea of being able to culture hair cells and multiply them into an unlimited supply of new hairs leads many to believe that a possible "cure" for hair loss is on the horizon. Since Dr. Gho's HAIRmultiplication research was first publicized in HairSite several years ago, this set off a series of tissue engineering or cell based hair restoration research around the world. The upcoming "Meet & Greet" session with Dr. Gho will be the first ever presentation to the public of this much anticipated hair restoration research.


Who Can Attend ?


The "Meet & Greet" session is a free seminar intended for the general public or prospective patients who are interested in learning more about Follicle Transplantation and HAIRmultiplication. Hair transplant doctors and professionals in the hair restoration industry who would like to meet with Dr. Gho are advised to contact Gho Clinic or HairSite directly to arrange a private meeting during Dr. Gho's visit in New York City.




Seating is LIMITED. Registration is mandatory. A photo ID is required for admission. There will be no last minute registration at the venue. Anyone who wish to attend this event must register in advance with either HairSite or Gho Clinic and be prepared to bring a photo ID for admission at the venue. These rules will be strictly observed. No exceptions will be allowed. Click online registration to register now for this event.


Members of the Press or the Media


If you wish to cover this event, please email [email protected] for details. Attention: Mr. S. Warren.


More Information


To register for the event, click online registration. For more information, please either email Gho Clinic at [email protected] or HairSite at [email protected]

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ciao xxxxx, ho dato un'occhita ai report sul convegno che si trovano nel forum di hairsite, precisamente qui.

Allora, da quello che si dice da parte di gho ci sono notizie sia positive che negative: quella negativa piu grande è che dei tre protocolli di HM nessuno si è rivelato il piu efficace su tutti i pazienti, un protocollo era il piu efficace su uno, mentre su un'altro paziente era piu efficace un'altro. In ogni caso la HM funziona perchè, da quello che ho capito se non andava bene un protocollo comunque ne andava bene un'altro. lo schema esemplificativo dei risultati lo riporto cosi come lo prendo da hairsite:


3 patients - 3 different protocols.


Patient A - protocol #1 - 20% density

protocol #2 - 30% density

protocol #3 - 80% density


Patient B - protocol #1 - 80% density

protocol #2 - 30% density

protocol #3 - 20% density


Patient C - protocol #1 - 20% density

protocol #2 - 80% density

protocol #3 - 30% density


P.s. penso che density significhi la densità di attecchimento in base alle UF impiantate,ma correggetemi se sbaglio!


Quindi Gho ha detto che su questo ci sarò ancora da lavorare, ma a me sinceramente questi risultati sembrano comunque buoni! Un'altra buona notizia è che se non dovesse risolvere a breve la questione di quale protocollo usare sta pensando di utilizzarne piu di uno sullo stesso paziente.. staremo a vedere. Un'altra cosa buona, almeno per me è sapere che gho ha parlato del suo metodo in un convegno cosi importante. Al convegno c'erano, tra gli altri la Dr. Christiano e il Dr. Washenik, la prima impegnata nell'ambito della clonazione e il secondo in un progetto simile a quella della HM di Gho.. prima non ero certo del valore internazionale della sua ricerca..adesso forse un po di piu..


Sulle date non ha detto nulla di nuovo mi pare. si parla del 2006..

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beh..non ho trovato nulla a riguardo..non credo che ad un convegno gli altri docs durante il loro intervento si mettano a commentare criticamente l'intervento dei colleghi.. dal mio punto di vista l'importante è che gho abbia definito il punto della sua situazione davanti a tutti..

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Beh,nell'aria c'è quella data.. ma considera che gho ha espressamente richiesto la collaborazione con altri scienziati per risolvere piu in fretta i problemi di consistenza.Vedremo.Tieni presente che gho non lavora solo alla HM,ma la maggior parte del suo lavoro riguarda altri campi, come le ustioni o i traumi.

In ogni caso <<QUI>> trovate l'abstract dell'intevento di gho all'ishrs, completo delle diapositive che ha mostrato!

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