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Gho e FT in Aruba


Messaggi raccomandati

Maastricht, February 6th, 2003


Dear visitor,

Welcome on our website. 2003 has been a busy year for us.

First of all, we educated a professional team to perform the follicle transplantation. Doctor Wendy Schreurs, together with Patricia, Dyonne and Marianne have been educated and can perform the follicle transplantation at least as good as me.

Due to a large number of requests from the United States we searched for possibilities to perform the treatments in or nearby the United States. The best possibility we came up with is to perform the treatments in Aruba. We are are waiting for the final certifications. If everything is arranged, we will try to start this summer in Aruba. Our preference is to have the first treatments performed in Maastricht and every following treatments in Aruba, because we want see and evaluate you first. We hope to understand this. However, from our experiences in the last year,it is sometimes possible to evaluate the patient from pictures without seeing the patient first.

Although we try keep the prices for follicle transplantation as low as possible, we maybe have to raise the price a bit from this summer.

If you have any question about follicle transplantation or the possibility to have the treatment performed in Aruba, do not hesitate to contact us.

Coen Gho, MD


Ulteriori informazioni al link:


Per ora si parla solo di FT e non di HM.

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confused.gif ..mah..una bufala..e su che basi lo dici? solo per sta cosa della clinica? e che male c'è se ad aruba inizia a farci la FUE? riguardo ad esempio i peptidi della WMSR e' molto facile che siano una bufala (ma non ancora certo) allo stato dei fatti,considerato i dati sulla societa e sui componenti del SAB (che ne sono usciti) e considerando la reputazione di Skinner e Green. Ok, ma Gho è un chirurgo accreditato ed il sistema lo stanno sperimentando (con alcune differenze) anche quelli della Bioamide col dott. Wasernik... cool.gif


ok pararci il sedere da eventuali fregature e diamo tempo al tempo.. smile.gif ...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Vi giro come nota informativa una mail che ho ricevuto dal team di Gho per quanto riguarda Aruba.

Purroppo per ora nessuna menzione sull'HM frown.gif .



Dear Sir,


Thank you for your inquiry about the possibility to have a treatment performed in Aruba.


Normally, we would like to perform the first treatment(s) in Maastricht (The Netherlands) and every following treatment in Aruba, because we want to see and to evaluate you first. However, we also know that this is not always possible. Fortunately, from our experiences in the last year, it is possible, most of the times, to evaluate a patient from pictures without seeing the patient first.


The following procedure has to be followed:


1. Send all necessary information such as Name, E-mail address, Telephone number and Pictures to the GHO Clinic in the Netherlands.

2. We will call and contact you by phone or/and E-mail.

3. You have to arrange the payments for the treatment at least two months before the preferred date.

4. We will then reserve a date for you in Aruba for consultation and treatment.

5. If you have arranged your stay in Aruba yourself, send us your contact address in Aruba.

6. If we have to arrange your stay (*), please send us your flight details.

7. Meet us in Aruba.


As you probably already know, there is a disadvantage. We have to make extra costs to travel to Aruba. We will try to make these costs as low as possible and the supplement depends on the number of requests. The supplement per treatment for this session-period will be €600,- (approximately $600,-) or €750,- (approximately $750,-) with hotel (*) near by the clinic.




That means, a procedure done in Aruba will cost you:


- Follicle Transplantation : € 2300,-

- Supplement Aruba : € 600,-


Without Hotel this will be € 2900,- per session


Including Hotel this will be € 3050,- per session.



To obtain more grafts per patient, we prefer to perform two or three treatments in one week if possible. However, as you have noticed, the treatment is more expensive in Aruba than in the Netherlands, especially when more consecutive treatments are planned. Therefore, when you are interessed in having more treatments performed on consecutive days, treatment in the Netherlands could be a good alternative.




At this moment we are scheduling treatments in Aruba for July or August 2003. Please let us know as soon as possible if you want to be scheduled for this period, because we have many applicants and only limited number of vacant treatment-dates.




To accelerate your application, you can send us the following information :




- Name, Gender, Date of Birth, E-mail address, Telephone number.


- Pictures with dry and wet hair from the crown, frontal area, the left and right temples, and of course the donor area (back, left and right side).


- Current medication, including medication against hairloss.


- Previous hair restoration treatments.


Yours sincerely,


Team GHO Clinic

Maastricht, The Netherlands.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Tranquilli, ormai è quasi giunta a fine la sperimentazione del Lish Ft. Quindi non c'è motivo di temere. Superato il problema della dissolvenza della lipoproteina, ormai è certo che l'azione antagonista sul recettore priobiolitico (tramite reazione ch.-ck.)è decisiva.

Il Dott. Thelomonius sta già rilasciando autorizzazioni esecutive per i livelli di acquisizione intraziendali. La commercializzzzione è prossima. Finalmente, dopo anni di attesa il peggio è passato, possiamo tirare un sospiro di sollievo! biggrin.gif

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Oggi sul "Mattino" hanno scritto qualcosa che ci riguarda


- Calvizie in aumento in Europa, passo avanti nella clonazione del bulbo -


La calvizie e' un fenomeno in aumento in Europa, dove oggi sono 30 milioni gli individui che ne soffrono, nel 2005 il numero raddoppiera' e, con esso, le richieste di trapianto di capelli che oggi sono 60mila l'anno.

Intanto il mondo della ricerca annuncia che si e' fatto qualche passo avanti verso la clonazione del bulbo che puo' aprire la strada a nuove tecniche di reinnesto.

Lo scienziato coreano Monkyu Kim ha annunciato di aver tracciato una mappa del funzionamento dei geni della papilla dermica che servira' per arrivare alla clonazione del bulbo da cellule staminali.



Ovviamente di Gho nemmeno l'ombra!


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Beh, volevo fare solo un po' di sana ironia. Comunque chiedo scusa a chiunque si sia offeso.

p.s.Non credo proprio di essere pessimista, se no non mi sarei curato per anni e non avrei buttato al vento milioni. Credo di essermi guadagnato sul campo il titolo di realista. Auguri a tutti! rolleyes.gif

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