Visitatore Dott. Morselli Inviato: 16 Luglio 2003 Segnala Share Inviato: 16 Luglio 2003 Bravo Aragorn! Finalmente una sintesi del Dr Feller (è per caso Alan S. Feller, Great Neck, NY?), ben ragionata delle critiche all'implanter: spacciata per tecnica "no touch" è in realtà indaginosa e più traumatica della "stick and place", perchè comprime e sfrega i grafts dentro all'ago, traumatizza 2 volte il cuoio capelluto prima con l'incisione poi con l'implanter, aggiunge un tempo di manipolazione per trasferire i grafts nell'ago, aumenta il fenomeno del "popping", non consente un posizionamento preciso dei grafts perchè sono nascosti nell'ago. Tutto questo per voler usare un dispositivo per scopi e in modo diverso da come lo hanno proposto i suoi inventori (Choi e Kim). Aggiungerei, cosa non marginale, che per poter inserire nell'implanter tutti i grafts vengono divise le FU più grandi, con allungamento dei tempi d'intervento e inevitabile sacrificio di numerosi follicoli. Certo, chi reclamizza la tecnica è molto bravo a sottolineare il grande numero di graft inseriti, ma non gli aspetti negativi di questa bella trovata. Dott. M. Morselli Link al commento Condividi su altri siti More sharing options...
Aragorn Inviato: 16 Luglio 2003 Autore Segnala Share Inviato: 16 Luglio 2003 Si è proprio lui. Comunque anche questo doc si sta convertendo alla FUE. Link al commento Condividi su altri siti More sharing options...
Aragorn Inviato: 16 Luglio 2003 Autore Segnala Share Inviato: 16 Luglio 2003 Questo conferma le perplessità sull'eccessivo marketing dei greci: ___________________________________________ The "No touch" technique has nothing to do with "no touching". In fact, the amount of trauma the graft is forced to go through is FAR GREATER with an implanting pen than without. I've used this tool, AND I've watched it used by a master. It is beyond a doubt far inferior to the "standard" methods of implanting grafts. Where shall I begin: 1.The "NO TOUCH" claim is quite misleading in that the amount of touching is far greater with the implanter than without it. I can't imagine how DHI ever thought to make this claim. 2. Since is was designed by an Asian, primarily for Asian hair, it doesn't lend itself well to western hair. That is, Asian grafts tend to be bigger and "meatier" than western hair making it more useable in an implanter pen. With western hair follicles, however, the grafts are softer and smaller allowing for a far greater chance of compression and friction damage during the act of implantation. 3. There is an extra stage of handling in that the graft must be manipulated into the pen. Plenty of touching here. 4. The hole is made just prior to implantation, which is similar to stick and place method. The bottom line is that there will be alot more popping. 5. The bore or guage of the needle will be fairly large compared to using a slit technique with a custom made blade. These are just a few concerns with the implanter and why I would never use it. If the pen is being used to implant into slits that have already been produced, then perhaps DHI should call it the TWO TOUCH method instead of the NO TOUCH method. The pen was NOT designed to be used in the way you witnessed Peter. Making one slit is traumatic enough to the skin, but to "ream" (spelling?)the slit a second time, after the micro-clotting has already formed, seems counter productive to me when compared to standard techniques. Also, there in NO advantage in depth determination using this device over any other properly performed method. If anything, the opposite is true considering the actual length of the graft is obscured when loaded into the pen at the time of placement. So, what does "NO TOUCH" actual refer to? Certainly not the scalp as now it must be attacked with sharp metal TWICE; and certainly not the graft as it has to be manipulated into the instrument and then compressed and sheared agains't steel on it journey down a tube into the scalp. Sorry, but "NO TOUCH" is NO GOOD! I'm glad this topic was brought up as this issue always bothered me. Dr. Feller Link al commento Condividi su altri siti More sharing options...
Aragorn Inviato: 19 Luglio 2003 Autore Segnala Share Inviato: 19 Luglio 2003 Ulteriore conferma, attenzione alle trovate pubblicitarie della DHI !!! _________________________________________ The no touch method is a means of placing grafts using an implanter to put the grafts into the skin. the implanter is a hollow tube. the graft is placed into ths tube after it is dissected from the strip. after cutting the grafts, they are picked up by their long hair shafts and placed into the hollow tube. the hollow tube is then rammed into a smaller 19 guage or larger needle site. the graft is then pushed into the incision site by pressing the small button on the top of the implanter. this is the problem. at least 30% of the grafts are pushed below the surface of the skin. this results in pitting, poor growth, and an orange skin appearance to the scalp. despite all attempts to improve the technique, many grafts (at least 30%) are buired. therefore, the technique should be completely discouraged and abandoned. in our opninion, trauma from placement with forceps does not injure the grafts or impair growth. buring the grafts or allowing them to float in saline solution too long can impair growth. there is nothing about that no touch method that we like. we consider it simply a marketing tool - a tool that is not good for the majority of patients. Hairtech-Dr. Cole's Staff Surgical Assistant, B.S., C.L.S.A. Link al commento Condividi su altri siti More sharing options...
Karime Inviato: 20 Luglio 2003 Segnala Share Inviato: 20 Luglio 2003 ...non ci capisco + niente!!!! *karime* Link al commento Condividi su altri siti More sharing options...
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