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Vit. B6 e Zinco Solf. per i Docs


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Volevo chiedere ai gentili Dottori cosa ne pensano di questa formulazione per utilizzo topico della quale si sta parlando con molto interesse in forums stranieri. In particolare il composto sarebbe: 110 mg. di zinco solfato + 60 mg. di vit. B6 piridossale in acqua distillata (spero di aver scritto giusto!)


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  • 1 month later...

beh ho sentito dire di studi che dimostrano che zinco + b6 abbassano quasi del 100% il dht nello scalpo.....

qualcosa non mi è chiaro



The effects of zinc sulphate and azelaic acid on 5 alpha-reductase activity in human skin were studied using an in vitro assay with 1,2[3H]-testosterone as substrate. When added at concentrations of 3 or 9 mmol/l, zinc was a potent inhibitor of 5 alpha-reductase activity. At high concentrations, zinc could completely inhibit the enzyme activity. Azelaic acid was also a potent inhibitor of 5 alpha-reductase; inhibition was detectable at concentrations as low as 0.2 mmol/l and was complete at 3 mmol/l. An additive effect of the two inhibitors was observed. Vitamin B6 potentiated the inhibitory effect of zinc, but not of azelaic acid, suggesting that two different mechanisms are involved. When the three substances were added together at very low concentrations which had been shown to be ineffective alone, 90% inhibition of 5 alpha-reductase activity was obtained. If this inhibition is confirmed in vivo, zinc sulphate combined with azelaic acid could be an effective agent in the treatment of androgen related pathology of human skin.

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Scusate ma sel eggete attentamente l'articolo in inglese, si riferisce ad uno studio in VITRO .... non in vivo e cioe' sul cuoio capelluto.Leggete con attenzione altrimenti si rischia di fare confusione.confermo che entrambe le sostanze hanno una azione inibitrice in vivo ma comunque blanda a livello di dermo cosmetico.



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