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c'è un utente su un altro forum che ha contattato le varie società che hanno dei progetti al riguardo.

follica tramite un suo medico ha risposto che tra 10-12 mesi inziano a sperimentare sull'uomo.


A sto punto direi che follica sta agendo senza troppo clamore come intercitex.

Magari è una fievole speranza, di solito gli sboroni sono quelli che di donne non se ne fanno mai una.



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Questo è il commento di Daphne Zohar che potete vedere anche su hairsite:


Even with the best intentions on the part of the bloggers (in various forums), there has been significant misinformation out there and inidviduals drawing conclusions that are not based on fact. When we have responded to inquiries in a measured way, comments have been taken out of context and posted on various websites.


Our goals are very much aligned with yours. We are working through the most rigorous clinically driven scientific methods and results take time. Furthermore, as a private company we need to protect our business and confidential information.


We will not be announcing anything further for a while, nor will any Follica representatives be able to answer any questions by phone. Despite our lack of communication with the public, please be assured that we are absolutely focused on driving this forward.


Thanks again for all of your comments and support.



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