DiegoArmando Inviato: 14 Aprile 2005 Segnala Share Inviato: 14 Aprile 2005 Sarà vero, sarà falso? Dottori dite la vostra! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are couple more factors, in addition to excessive DHT (reference range is around 30-85 ng/dl), causing hair loss: 1. genes - with wrong parents, 2. deficiency of hGH, DHEA and Free Testosterone - loss of the hair growth factors 3. Poor blood circulation in the top of your head due to excessive stress (adrenalin) that constrict the arteries ( excessive stress also causes testosterone-DHT conversion to prepare for Fight), 4. Poor blood circulation due to the deficiency of the neurotransmitters acetylcholine/nitric oxide and the dilator cGMP. 5. Excessive oxytocin or Over-masturbation/Over-ejaculation triggers excessive testosterone-DHT conversion in the prostate and testicles. This is why frequent orgasm can cause excessive DHT level in the blood streamline. GABA can reduce the oxytocin synthesis while excessive L-arginine in conjunction with a high level of androgen hormone can over-excite the hypothalamus oxytocinergic nervous system for "Heat" and excessive testosterone-DHT conversion. On the other hand, excessive orgasm also produce excessive prolactin and epinephrine to induce the arterial constriction for a poor blood circulation everywhere in your body, particularly, scalp, prostate and joints. 5-HTP can reduce the epinephrine release from the hypothalamus, brain stem and adrenal medulla. 6. Exposure to stress and steroid related toxins in the environment are likely to increase the activity of 5-alpha reductase for more testosterone-DHT conversion. How about using 5-alpha reductase inhibitor Finasteride to regrow hair? When Finasteride kills the 5-alpha reductase gene expression in your pituitary glands and testicles and the liver 5-alpha reductase release, you will need a high dose of L-Arginine (1000 mg 3 times a day to work with ViaPal-hGH-J (or ViaPal-hGH-P if you are over age 30), 5-HTP, DeToxiA and Fish and Borage Oil(1000 mg each meal) and calcium (200 mg)/magnesium (100 mg)/Viatmin-D(100 IU) to rejuvenate your nervous function for libido and erection! Finasteride tends to increase testosterone and estrogen( for breast growth!) but severely deplete DHT in the penile tissue, brain and bones after damaging the 5-alphase reductase gene and DNA in the liver, bone, testicles, penis, and of course, brain. Please read " On the role of DHT in the penile Growth, Repair (Re-Growth) and structure for more sexual orgasm. ==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case11311.htm ," "Testosterone down-regulates the levels of androgen receptor mRNA in smooth muscle cells from the rat corpora cavernosa via aromatization to estrogens - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi? cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=8499343, " and " Phenotypic classification of male pseudohermaphroditism due to steroid 5 alpha-reductase 2 deficiency - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi? cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=8723114 ," and " Dihydrotestosterone is the active androgen in the maintenance of nitric oxide-mediated penile erection in the rat - http://endo.endojournals.org/cgi/reprint/136/4/1495 ." The gene/DNA destruction is very difficult to reverse. The only hope you can have is to excite the prostaglandin E-1, NO and oxytocin for the 5-alpha reductase gene/DNA repair. Please beware that it may take about 3-6 months to excite the NOergic and Oxytocinergic nervous system in your brain, liver and testicles/penis after the liver is detoxified. Don't expect any miracles from our products when your 5-alpha reductase gene/DNA is destroyed! Our products can work up to 90% efficiency/effectiveness for the Finasteride destruction cases according to our statistics. You must be aware that there is about 10% chance our products won't work if the 5-alpha reductase gene/DNA in your testicles is destroyed by Finasteride! This mean the damage of 5-alpha reductase gene and DHT receptors is too extensive for rejuvenation and repair, respectively, among the 10% of the Finasteride victims. We offer you a hope to revive your liver and pituitary-testicular function and penile erection, but we cannot guarantee your sex life at all. You are responsible for the consequence of taking this most destructive 5-alpha reductase inbibitor drug. If you have a weak erection, the formula mentioned above can help you. If you have become impotent by Finasteride for sometimes, please have a serum DHT test and if your serum DHT level is below 30 ng/dl, please don't order our products. Finasteride caused penile shrinkage and premature ejaculation sexual orgasm. Link al commento Condividi su altri siti More sharing options...
raffa75 Inviato: 14 Aprile 2005 Segnala Share Inviato: 14 Aprile 2005 i capelli li persi lo stesso fa male al cervello fa diventare il cxxxx piccolo ti fa eiaculare prima se ti seghi/scopi troppo perdi i capelli se vai in palestra perdi i capelli ecc ecc sempre secondo questo dottore pero'......... Link al commento Condividi su altri siti More sharing options...
Emulat Inviato: 15 Aprile 2005 Segnala Share Inviato: 15 Aprile 2005 (modificato) che noia yawn cmq questa frase è lampante... "Don't expect any miracles from our products when your 5-alpha reductase gene/DNA is destroyed! Our products can work up to 90% efficiency/effectiveness for the Finasteride destruction cases according to our statistics." E che cosa vogliono venderti? Modificato 15 Aprile 2005 da Emulat Link al commento Condividi su altri siti More sharing options...
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