Visitatore gabriele5 Inviato: 17 Febbraio 2003 Segnala Share Inviato: 17 Febbraio 2003 xxxxx,che prodotti usate per i capelli(shampoo,creme ristrutturanti,gel,spume,lacche...)?fatemi sapere e facciamo una classifica di quelli che riteniamo migliori e più convenienti,come dice xxx "non facciamoci prendere per il **** !ciao Link al commento Condividi su altri siti More sharing options...
surferste Inviato: 17 Febbraio 2003 Segnala Share Inviato: 17 Febbraio 2003 io come crema ristrutturante e districante utilizzo quella della mil mil, e un prodotto a bassissimo costo infatti mi son meravigliato della qualita che l ho trovata superiore alla crema districante e ristrutturante della xxxxx, l ho trovato a citta mercato.sui forum inglesi stanno consigliando infusium23 della proctor n gamble, xo hanno anche detto di non esagerare con i conditioner xche allentano i nodi dei capelli. per gli shampoo il migliore che ho trovato e della kerastase molto costoso, quello x capelli colorati e da ristrutturare. attualmente uso loreal elvive capelli colorati, buono tra gli shampoo normali scadente confronto alla kerastase. non uso altro. Link al commento Condividi su altri siti More sharing options...
ron2 Inviato: 18 Febbraio 2003 Segnala Share Inviato: 18 Febbraio 2003 Leos, mica sarai un emissario della CR mandato per spionaggio..?! Qui nel forum, non so se l'hai capito, ma appena arriva un membro nuovo c'è un pò di ansia per tutti finchè non lo si conosce meglio. Parlaci un pò meglio di te, in modo da guadagnare la nostra fiducia.. Grazie!! e non offenderti! Link al commento Condividi su altri siti More sharing options...
surferste Inviato: 18 Febbraio 2003 Segnala Share Inviato: 18 Febbraio 2003 leos anche io non darei troppa confidenza agli ultimi arrivati, ma cmqe cr e destinato a morire, il mercato lo distruggera pian piano, quello che ce negli stati uniti pian piano arriva anche qui. Link al commento Condividi su altri siti More sharing options...
surferste Inviato: 21 Febbraio 2003 Segnala Share Inviato: 21 Febbraio 2003 Farrell Hair Replacement - Voted World's # 1 For 5 Consecutive Years ! Shop Forum News Research Topical All Natural Waseda Drugs Hair Transplant Hair Replacement Gallery Support & more Subject: "Products." Previous Topic | Next Topic Printer-friendly copy Email this topic to a friend Conferences Coolpiece Topic #277 Reading Topic #277 BA. unregistered user 02-16-03, 08:23 PM (EST) "Products." I was asked in another post as to what products I use, Here is a list of products I use on a regular basis, Be great to hear from other wearers on what they use : Infusium 23 conditioner. Optima leave in conditioner. Alberto Europeen smooth & glisten pomade. This gives a gel look to your hair but is thicker than gel, Ideal for showing plenty of scalp and giving the look of a reduced density. Alberto Europeen straight hair balm. This give a smooth sleek wet look to your hair. Belvedere International down under Naturals spray gel. I use this as a hair spray, Holds really well but doesnt give that hard hair lacquer look. Dep Ultra Plex texturizer. I started using this only last week,It gives body to your hair and also gives it hold, It is a cream and doesnt give the shiny look that gel gives, I am very immpressed with the way it gives body and leaves the hair looking natural. Brylcreem. I have been using this for years as a hair cream, I always put this on any hair piece that I am not using to substitute the natural oils produced by the scalp then I wash it out with Infusium 23 conditioner before wearing, Can also be used as a gel alternative. Regards BA. Alert | IP Printer-friendly page | Edit | Reply | Reply With Quote | Top RE: Products., Florida Joe , 02-16-03, 09:56 PM, (1) RE: Products. to BA, K-Man , 02-16-03, 11:13 PM, (2) RE: Products. to BA, BA to K-Man. , 02-16-03, 11:58 PM, (4) RE: Products., Ugly As Sin , 02-16-03, 11:15 PM, (3) RE: Products., Peter , 02-17-03, 02:59 AM, (5) RE: Products. to Peter, K-Man , 02-17-03, 11:01 AM, (6) RE: Products. to Kman, Peter , 02-17-03, 01:02 PM, (7) RE: Products. to Kman, xxx , 02-18-03, 03:38 PM, (8) Conferences | Topics | Previous Topic | Next Topic Florida Joe unregistered user 02-16-03, 09:56 PM (EST) 1. "RE: Products." In response to message #0 I started using Frizz-Ease hair serum. It was recommended to me by Glen. It works really good and gives the hair a great shine without having to use gel or leave-in conditioners. Alert | IP Printer-friendly page | Edit | Reply | Reply With Quote | Top K-Man unregistered user 02-16-03, 11:13 PM (EST) 2. "RE: Products. to BA" In response to message #1 BA thank you for the help. Would you explain which of the products you mentioned that you use every day, the quantity, also what order do you use these products ? Alert | IP Printer-friendly page | Edit | Reply | Reply With Quote | Top BA to K-Man. unregistered user 02-16-03, 11:58 PM (EST) 4. "RE: Products. to BA" In response to message #2 Hi K-Man, As I said I always use a hair cream when not using a particular hairpieice I cover the hairpiece with hair cream then wash it off with enough Infusium 23 I use the conditioner with warm water. Depending on what style I want I use the other products in no particular order, If I want to show a lot of scalp I use the pomade about the size of 3 quarters then comb it through from the roots. If I want the straight sleek wet look I use the balm, Again about the size of 3 quarters then comb it through. If I want my style to look full of body I will use the ultra plex texterizer, I use the this in the amount of 3 nickels. Sometimes I dont put anything on my hair maybe just a little of the spray gel for holding. In my opinion it is best to have a different style from time to time just like I would if I had my own hair. Hope this helps. Regards BA. Alert | IP Printer-friendly page | Edit | Reply | Reply With Quote | Top Ugly As Sin unregistered user 02-16-03, 11:15 PM (EST) 3. "RE: Products." In response to message #1 Great choice Joe. Excellent detangling properties, harmless ingredients, and a good product to coat the hair shaft. Alert | IP Printer-friendly page | Edit | Reply | Reply With Quote | Top Peter unregistered user 02-17-03, 02:59 AM (EST) 5. "RE: Products." In response to message #3 I use the Infusium 23 shampoo as well with great results and likings of it. I condition it after ever wash which is twice a week, with just a V05 conditioner. It's less than a couple of bucks and makes the hair feel just as natural as the real hair on my head. For the washing and conditioning, I allow each to sit on the unit for about 3 minutes each after a very light fingertip lather. I DON'T use any sprays or gels on my head, period!!! I carry in the car a 4oz fine mist spray bottle that was orginally a Toppik fiber hold hairspray, filled with plain old water. If i want to give my hair a wet look, i spray water on my head and brush it back and let it fall nicely into place. Peter Alert | IP Printer-friendly page | Edit | Reply | Reply With Quote | Top K-Man unregistered user 02-17-03, 11:01 AM (EST) 6. "RE: Products. to Peter" In response to message #5 Hi Peter, does your system stay soft without using a daily spray on conditioner, or do the products you use for shampoo and conditioning keep it soft without the need for any other products? Thank you for your help Alert | IP Printer-friendly page | Edit | Reply | Reply With Quote | Top Peter unregistered user 02-17-03, 01:02 PM (EST) 7. "RE: Products. to Kman" In response to message #6 Kman- Hello... My system stays really soft thru nearly the 3rd day of wear. On the 4th day, its kind of oily feeling to the touch. The front start to look not so good due to the oils and adhesive starting to bleed thru the lace causing some of the hairs in front to lie flat against the lace. I take the system off at night of the 4th day. During my wear, i still shampoo the real hair at the sides and back. The system itself gets sprayed down with water and then styled to my taste. I just don't beleive in putting all those chemicals on my piece. I've had my system for 2 months now and it feels and looks great. I see no signs of hair color fade either. Regards, Peter Alert | IP Printer-friendly page | Edit | Reply | Reply With Quote | Top xxx unregistered user 02-18-03, 03:38 PM (EST) 8. "RE: Products. to Kman" In response to message #7 in case you don't have oily skin how long does the glue last? thanx Alert | IP Printer-friendly page | Edit | Reply | Reply With Quote | Top Conferences | Topics | Previous Topic | Next Topic Select another forum or conferenceLobbyResearch (Conference) |--Research: Open Topics (Public)Topicals (Conference) |--Topicals: Open Topics (Public) |--Waseda, All Natural, Supplements (Public)Drugs & Medications (Conference) |--Medications: Open Topics (Public) |--Avodart / Dutasteride (Public)Surgical Hair Transplantation (Conference) |--Hair Transplant Open Topics (Public)Hair Replacement (Conference) |--Hair Replacement Open Topics (Public) |--Farrell Hair Replacement (Public) |--Hair Club For Men (Public) |--Coolpiece (Public)Special Topics (Conference) |--Support Group (Public) |--Diet & Exercise (Public) |--Celebrity Hair (Public) |--Head Shavers (Public) |--Personal Journal (Public) |--Polls (Public) © Copyright 1997 - 2003 HairSite TSE Publishing, Inc. All rights [email protected] Farrell Hair Replacement - Voted World's # 1 For 5 Consecutive Years ! Shop Forum News Research Topical All Natural Waseda Drugs Hair Transplant Hair Replacement Gallery Support & more Subject: "Infusium 23" Previous Topic | Next Topic Printer-friendly copy Email this topic to a friend Conferences Coolpiece Topic #258 Reading Topic #258 Hairwearer unregistered user 02-13-03, 02:55 PM (EST) "Infusium 23" Whether the hair on your unit are from Europe or India (there is a debate actually about which is the best), if you use a conditionner EVERY TIME you wash your unit, they will remain incredibly silky and healthy. Personnaly, i use a good amount of infusion 23 every time i wash my unit and even after 6 months, it looks like a brand new hairpiece! I tell you...forget about the hot oil treatments, the silk lotions and other expensive products that salons would like to sell you...use a good conditionner and i'm convinced that you won't even care about where your hair come from. And as far as i'm concerned, i don't think that using a conditionner can untie the knots on your hairpiece! Alert | IP Printer-friendly page | Edit | Reply | Reply With Quote | Top RE: Infusium 23, Sunshine , 02-13-03, 03:11 PM, (1) RE: Infusium 23, Haiwearer , 02-13-03, 04:04 PM, (2) RE: Infusium 23, SteveL , 02-13-03, 05:37 PM, (3) RE: Infusium 23(Jonesy's ready to Jump Me), Ugly As Sin , 02-13-03, 10:36 PM, (9) RE: Infusium 23(Jonesy's ready to Jump Me), Ugly As Sin , 02-13-03, 10:39 PM, (10) RE: Infusium 23(Jonesy's ready to Jump Me), Ugly As Sin , 02-13-03, 10:54 PM, (11) RE: Infusium 23 confused now lol, SteveL , 02-14-03, 02:34 AM, (12) RE: Infusium 23 confused now to Steve, KenJJ , 02-14-03, 05:56 AM, (13) RE: Infusium 23 confused now to Steve(to Ken JJ_, Ugly As Sin , 02-14-03, 08:09 AM, (14) RE: Infusium 23, KenJJ , 02-13-03, 05:54 PM, (4) RE: Infusium 23, KenJJ , 02-13-03, 06:05 PM, (5) RE: Infusium 23 to KenJJ, K-Man , 02-13-03, 06:15 PM, (6) RE: Infusium 23 to K-Man, KenJJ , 02-13-03, 07:44 PM, (8) RE: Infusium 23, SteveL , 02-13-03, 06:52 PM, (7) RE: Infusium 23, educated consumer , 02-14-03, 10:42 PM, (15) RE: Infusium 23, Dennis in Va , 02-17-03, 08:39 PM, (16) RE: Infusium 23, Hairwearer , 02-17-03, 09:39 PM, (17) Conferences | Topics | Previous Topic | Next Topic Sunshine unregistered user 02-13-03, 03:11 PM (EST) 1. "RE: Infusium 23" In response to message #0 Hairwearer, Perhaps this is a bonehead question but is there a difference between regular infusium and infusium 23? Also, how much do you use after each wash? Thanks, Sunshine Alert | IP Printer-friendly page | Edit | Reply | Reply With Quote | Top Haiwearer unregistered user 02-13-03, 04:04 PM (EST) 2. "RE: Infusium 23" In response to message #1 There's lots of infusium products and conditionners for different types of hair, but don't even bother...look for the "revitalizing conditionner Infusium 23" by Clairol, it's easy to find pretty much everywhere (by the way, some wearers have posted about that product on this forum). About the amount i use, i think it's the equivalent of a table depends on the size oy your unit, of course. That stuff is pretty thick, so it's harder to spread around than some other conditionners that are more liquid, so you may have to use a little bit more. I also suggest that you let it rest in your hair for a minute or so before you rinse it out. Even the best hair (whether it's from India or Europe) will go dry if you don't use a conditionner like this one and i'm surprised that hairpiece providers don't inform their customers about the importance of using a conditionner. I think that's because they want to sell some expensive stuff like that silk lotion that costs about 12$ for a little bottle and won't do a better job than a good conditionner. Infusium 23 should be part of every wearer's kit... spread the word and you'll see that people will stop posting about "which is the best hair...indian or european ?"...they won't even care. I hope it helps...good luck with it if you try it! Alert | IP Printer-friendly page | Edit | Reply | Reply With Quote | Top SteveL unregistered user 02-13-03, 05:37 PM (EST) 3. "RE: Infusium 23" In response to message #2 I have been using a product called Infusium 23 revitalizing conditioner but its not by clariol. It seems to do a good job but I have only started using it the last week or so. I used to always buy Farrells conditioners. Is it safe if the conditioner has cetearyl alcohol? Thanks Steve Alert | IP Printer-friendly page | Edit | Reply | Reply With Quote | Top Ugly As Sin unregistered user 02-13-03, 10:36 PM (EST) 9. "RE: Infusium 23(Jonesy's ready to Jump Me)" In response to message #3 Harsh Hair Care Products Conditioners such as cetearyl alcohol that coat can suffocate and dry out the hair shaft. Alcohol in hairsprays, gels and mousses can dissolve the hair cuticle, while build-up from styling agents can make the hair dull, unmanageable, and brittle Alert | IP Printer-friendly page | Edit | Reply | Reply With Quote | Top Ugly As Sin unregistered user 02-13-03, 10:39 PM (EST) 10. "RE: Infusium 23(Jonesy's ready to Jump Me)" In response to message #9 Cosmetic Ingredents To Avoid The ingredients listed below are found in many of the hair or skin care products you use today. These ingredients are considered the "standard." After all, if the products made by giant cosmetic companies use these ingredients, they've got to be good ingredients, right? Not so fast. When you go to the salon, you don't expect just the "standard" treatments and products. You expect quality. You expect performance. You expect something better. But the truth is that when you buy a shampoo, conditioner or skin care item in a salon, it usually contains the same ingredients as the shampoo, conditioner, or skin care product for sale in the drug or department store. Only it costs you more. So we wanted you to know about these ingredients. Mastey believes strongly that the salon environment needs to be a healthy place. Because you're worth every penny you spend. #1 Harsh Cleansers like: Sodium Lauryl Sulfate Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate DEA (DEA Lauryl Sulfate) Sodium Laureth Sulfate Ammonium Laureth Sulfate Alpha Olefin Sulfonate What are these ingredients? The potential for skin irritation How they act on hair and skin The potential for cancer More nitrates than a pound of bacon Hair loss, dandruff & skin disorders Ocular damage The Mastey difference #2 Oils Oils Fact vs. Myth Oils on the skin Oils in the hair Stop switching shampoos #3 Dyes #4 Propylene Glycol #5 Glycerin and glycerin type derivatives #6 Human Hair Keratin Protein (HHKP) #7 Animal Protein, Collagen Protein, Animal by-Products Alert | IP Printer-friendly page | Edit | Reply | Reply With Quote | Top Ugly As Sin unregistered user 02-13-03, 10:54 PM (EST) 11. "RE: Infusium 23(Jonesy's ready to Jump Me)" In response to message #9 cetearyl alcohol like propylene glycol,and glycerin is found in virtually every skin cream and lotion you can find in the market. And every day, year after year, people rub it into their hair, scalp, face and body. The truth is, sometimes ceterayl alcohol can help to moisturize dry skin and hair - but it often does so by drawing moisture from the deeper skin layers to rehydrate the surface Alert | IP Printer-friendly page | Edit | Reply | Reply With Quote | Top SteveL unregistered user 02-14-03, 02:34 AM (EST) 12. "RE: Infusium 23 confused now lol" In response to message #11 I guesss there are two different views on the cetearyl alcohol .. Ugly as Sin says to stay away from it and Ken says its okay.. I am confused now.... I cant remember what the Farrell conditioners had in them. I might check those out again and see if I can find something similar at the store. I just have been using the cheap infusium from walmart which is like 3 bucks instead of the 12 dollar Farrell stuff. Steve Alert | IP Printer-friendly page | Edit | Reply | Reply With Quote | Top KenJJ unregistered user 02-14-03, 05:56 AM (EST) 13. "RE: Infusium 23 confused now to Steve" In response to message #12 Steve every hair care specialist i've ever spoken to has always told me cetearyl alcohol is not harmful to the hair..ITS A MOISTURIZER! Even Ugly admitted it was a moisturizer! As for Uglys views he sounds like he's a little overly obsessed with product ingredients. I read another post by him on ingredients the other day. The post was SO LONG and detailed and had such passion to it i couldn't tell whether he's a chemist or a crack pot! According to him we're all going to be VERY limited on the products we can use on our hair. Because almost every ingredient he listed that was bad for our hair is darn near in every hair and skin care product on the market! The best thing to do is contact a hair care specialist and mention any ingredients you have concerns about. You have to remember one thing there are products that are ok for your natural hair but are not ok for hair systems. Hair systems don't receive the natural oils of your scalp. And naturally your systems hair doesn't grow and replace its self like your own hair. So you have to be extra careful in what products you use on your system. Thats why its best to use products that are designed for hair systems. KenJJ Alert | IP Printer-friendly page | Edit | Reply | Reply With Quote | Top Ugly As Sin unregistered user 02-14-03, 08:09 AM (EST) 14. "RE: Infusium 23 confused now to Steve(to Ken JJ_" In response to message #13 Obesession or For Your Benefit? The latest studies in the news have indicated women or men that dye their hair are making themselves vulnerable to cancer. Do you really think women are going to stop coloring their hair? How many hair care specialists do really think understand what's in products? My suggestion is to do what makes you comfortable. I'm not here to push my ideas on anyone. The statement was only for those who may be concerned. Alert | IP Printer-friendly page | Edit | Reply | Reply With Quote | Top KenJJ unregistered user 02-13-03, 05:54 PM (EST) 4. "RE: Infusium 23" In response to message #0 Infusium 23 also comes in a leave in formula which is excellent. After you wash your system condition with your normal daily conditioner then rinse and apply Infusium 23 and do not rinse out. Infusium 23 leave in is a light conditioner that won't weigh your hair down. It will leave your hair on the crunchy side if you let it dry naturally on your hair. If you blow dry your hair this won't happen. Farrell makes a leave in Tangle-Free protein mist which is also very good. It helps prevent split ends and adds manageability. Both Infusium 23 leave in and Farrells Tangle-Free protein mist contain no drying alcohols. Leave in products are excellent to use on hair systems because they protect the hair from the elements 24 hours a day. KenJJ Alert | IP Printer-friendly page | Edit | Reply | Reply With Quote | Top KenJJ unregistered user 02-13-03, 06:05 PM (EST) 5. "RE: Infusium 23" In response to message #4 Steve cetearyl alcohol is a moisturizing alcohol which is also found in many skin care products and is completely safe. Avoid products containing SD a Stearyl alcohol. KenJJ Alert | IP Printer-friendly page | Edit | Reply | Reply With Quote | Top K-Man unregistered user 02-13-03, 06:15 PM (EST) 6. "RE: Infusium 23 to KenJJ" In response to message #5 Ken can the leave in infusium 23 conditioner be used daily, if so should it be diuluted with water? Alert | IP Printer-friendly page | Edit | Reply | Reply With Quote | Top KenJJ unregistered user 02-13-03, 07:44 PM (EST) 8. "RE: Infusium 23 to K-Man" In response to message #6 K-Man you can use Infusium 23 everyday. You don't have to dilute it with water because its so light its almost like water. If you do use it everyday and never shampoo it will eventually build-up on the hair. Steve mentioned that he thought leave in conditioners can make the hair feel goopy and some do. Some leave in conditioners are in a thicker cream form and can make the hair feel sticky. Those types of leave in conditioners need to be diluted with water. Infusium 23 won't give the hair a sticky or wet noodle feel unless you never wash your hair and continue to use it everyday. KenJJ Alert | IP Printer-friendly page | Edit | Reply | Reply With Quote | Top SteveL unregistered user 02-13-03, 06:52 PM (EST) 7. "RE: Infusium 23" In response to message #5 Thanks Ken I use the Farrell detangler spray which I really like alot. I have never tried the leave in conditioners either at Farrell or the general ones...I always thought that it would make the hair *goopy* looking of feeling... I might give that a try. Thanks Alert | IP Printer-friendly page | Edit | Reply | Reply With Quote | Top educated consumer unregistered user 02-14-03, 10:42 PM (EST) 15. "RE: Infusium 23" In response to message #0 It is indeed a very good product. However, be advised that excessive conditioning will MAKE THE KNOTS SLIP. End result: accelerated needs for hair adding. Use sparingly. Alert | IP Printer-friendly page | Edit | Reply | Reply With Quote | Top Dennis in Va unregistered user 02-17-03, 08:39 PM (EST) 16. "RE: Infusium 23" In response to message #15 I have used many different conditioners, both rinse out and leave-in for my piece and have found without a doubt that Infusium 23 is the best. Not only will your hair look great it will feel great too. Even a tired dryed out piece can be brought back to life with it! I too leave it on for a couple minutes before rinsing for added softness . I feel it should be in every hair-wearer's shower. Alert | IP Printer-friendly page | Edit | Reply | Reply With Quote | Top Hairwearer unregistered user 02-17-03, 09:39 PM (EST) 17. "RE: Infusium 23" In response to message #16 My point exactly! I hope every wearer will try it one day or another, because i'm sure they will keep it. Really great stuff that can totally eliminate the hair dryness problem. Alert | IP Printer-friendly page | Edit | Reply | Reply With Quote | Top Conferences | Topics | Previous Topic | Next Topic Select another forum or conferenceLobbyResearch (Conference) |--Research: Open Topics (Public)Topicals (Conference) |--Topicals: Open Topics (Public) |--Waseda, All Natural, Supplements (Public)Drugs & Medications (Conference) |--Medications: Open Topics (Public) |--Avodart / Dutasteride (Public)Surgical Hair Transplantation (Conference) |--Hair Transplant Open Topics (Public)Hair Replacement (Conference) |--Hair Replacement Open Topics (Public) |--Farrell Hair Replacement (Public) |--Hair Club For Men (Public) |--Coolpiece (Public)Special Topics (Conference) |--Support Group (Public) |--Diet & Exercise (Public) |--Celebrity Hair (Public) |--Head Shavers (Public) |--Personal Journal (Public) |--Polls (Public) © Copyright 1997 - 2003 HairSite TSE Publishing, Inc. All rights [email protected] Link al commento Condividi su altri siti More sharing options...
Angus Inviato: 21 Febbraio 2003 Segnala Share Inviato: 21 Febbraio 2003 oddio... che è tutta sta roba? Link al commento Condividi su altri siti More sharing options...
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