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The Darkness - Bald


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Salve gente,

qualcuno di voi conosce i Darkness? Io un po di tempo fa, incuriosito da questa canzone di cui mi piaceva molto la melodia, andai a cercare il testo e rimasi stupito dalla scoperta:


It would appear that male pattern

Baldness has set in

His hair, at an alarming pace

Running away from his face

He's losing his virility

And now he's masculinity

Has been compromised

And his libido down-sized


Not for me, not for me, not for me, uh-uh

Not for me, not for me, heaven forbid

It's not for me you understand


Bald, slap headed and hairless

Bald he is destined to be

Bald, well tonight thank God it's him instead of me


From what I have been reading

His scalp needs kneading

To stimulate each follicle

And reverse this diabolical

Condition that's afflicted he

For years and has cruelly

Repulsed each potential mate

And left him with a balding pate


Not for me, not for me, not for me, uh-uh

Not for me, not for me, heaven forbid

It's not for me you understand


Bald, slap headed and hairless

Bald he is destined to be

Bald, well tonight thank God it's him instead of me



Sock it to me baby, yeah!


Not for me, not for me, not for me, uh-uh

Not for me, not for me, heaven forbid

It's not for me you understand



Not for me, not for me, not for me, uh-uh

Not for me, not for me, heaven forbid

It's not for me you understand


Bald, slap headed and hairless

Bald he is destined to be

Bald, well tonight thank God it's him instead of me

Thank God!


Bald, slap headed and hairless

Bald he is destined to be

Bald, well tonight thank God it's him instead of me



Traducendo un po il testo dedussi che bald significava calvo, per chi conosce un minimo di inglesse riuscirà a capire facilmente il senso della canzone..

Io mi chiedo solo cosa possa pensare un fan dei Darkness che abbia problemi di capelli, soprattutto quello inglese che comprende a perfezione il senso di questa canzone.....


mah.. :mellow:

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la canzona parle di chi perde i capelli, perde la propria virilità, la proprio mascolinità e dopo invoca Dio imprecando che ciò non capitasse anche a lui: "Not for me, not for me, not for me" (non a me).

+/- qualcosa del genre... :blink:


la fa al quanto tragica...

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