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Cole inizia nuovi trial sulla HM


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Cole è un medico molto pratico e se questo metodo risulterà fattibile ne vedremo delle belle nel giro di un anno.

In fondo prelevare un capello per generarne 20, sarebbe più che accettabile. smile.gif


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Dr. Cole: We split the follicular root sheath longitidinally. we feel this may allow 2 for 1 or perhaps much more. i suspect the hairs will grow finer the first cycle, but may grow much thicker in subsequent cycles. time will tell. we will have data in 6 to 8 months.


HairSite: I might be wrong, but based on the HM photos I saw from your site, it does not appear that hair cells were extracted and cultured in the process. Your version of Hair Multiplication seems to be creating two hairs from one donor follicle, am I correct?


Dr. Cole: My technique does not involve tissue culture. Frankly I believe tissue culture is an almost impossible task because the steps related to hair growth are so complex. The biological modulators between the different cell types and the different embryological tissues is exceedingly complicated. What comes first? What chemicals are secreted second? Which genes are turned on by the various stimuli and in what order does it occur?




HairSite: Is this version of HM still in the experimental stage? What kind of results can the patient expect?


Dr. Cole: Currently we are testing a hypothesis. The hypothesis is that we can begin by creating two hairs from a single hair. If we are sucessful, we will begin an effort to create 4 hairs from a single hair and then 8 hairs from a single hair. Who knows, perhaps we will be able to create 20 hairs from a single hair. As you

can see the potential is enormous and expotential numbers of hairs are possible from a single hair. One hair can become 20 hairs, 20 hairs 400 hairs, 400 hairs 8000 hairs, and 8000 hairs 160,000 hairs. This is why we call it hair multiplication rather than follicle regeneration.




HairSite: Who would be the best candidate for this kind of treatment?


Dr. Cole: It is obvious that the best candidates are those with the most limited donor supply. As for the research study, anyone who is willing to try the procedure is a viable candidate. The procedure is safe, has not significant side affects and can be completely reversed by using FIT to extract the new hairs. We are currently placing the grafts on the anterior aspect of the wrist because this is generally an area where no pre-existing hair grows.




HairSite: Are you familiar with Dr. Gho's Follicular Transplantation technique? If my assumption according to question # 1 is correct, can we say that your technique is very similar to what Dr. Gho is trying to accomplish, ie: creating two hairs from one donor follicle?


Dr. Cole: I believe I already answered this. Yes it is similar except that if our hypothesis is correct, we will be able to create a multitude of hairs from a single follicle.




HairSite: Do you think if any hair transplant doctor can experiment the same on their own patients or do you have any proprietary expertise that is exclusive to your clinic which makes your technique more effective ?


Dr. Cole: Any physician who knows how to dissect the outer root sheath away from the hair follicle can try this experiment. They will need a microscope. We are not attempting to create a proprietary procedure. We want offer help and hope to all those suffering from hair loss.




HairSite: Do you expect the resulting hair(s) in the recipient site to be thinner than they would be under normal hair transplantation technique?


Dr. Cole: I believe they will have a high probability of being thinner. This may resolve itself in subsequent hair cycles. This would be a major disadvantage if the hairs grow thinner. We are keeping our fingers crossed.




HairSite: What are some of the possible drawbacks of this technique ?


Dr. Cole: The same complications that typically occur from hair transplantation can occur here. Complications are exceedingly rare and should be rare in this instance, as well.




HairSite: Does your HM technique require FDA approval?


Dr. Cole: No. This is a clear advantage of our hypothesised method over tissue culture.




HairSite: Can any of your hair transplant patients request to have this technique performed?


Dr. Cole: Yes. We are looking for study volunteers.




HairSite Will you discuss this technique in the upcoming ISHRS conference?


Dr. Cole: I do not support ISHRS activities and do not speak at them. I speak only at meetings hosted individually by hair restoration professionals that I respect and at meetings that I personally organize.

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Certo se questa "Hypothesis" riesce,allora la strada per la soluzione definitiva tramite trapianto si fa davvero molto vicina,avendo cosi'la possibilita' di avere a disposizione diverse migliaia di uf in piu' ricavabili dal prelievo precedentemente effettuato con strip o fue dall' area donor.


Anche se il processo attraverso il quale da un singolo capello se ne possa ricavare 2,4,8,20 e successivamente da 20-400 da 400-8000 da 8000-160000 eek.gifeek.gifeek.gif

roba da fantatrapianto o possibilita' futura ?Tutto cio' attraverso un procedimento che si basa su ripetute sezioni longitudinali del bulbo,effettivamente di ardua concezione x noi comuni mortali.

Al contrario Cole sembra molto lanciato sulla possibilita' e sulla relativa attuazione di tale metodica.



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Mah, lo stesso studio era già stato eseguito in Italia una decina di anni fa, forse Morselli si ricorda qualcosa di più preciso.

Partita come molto promettente, in seguito la sperimentazione si è persa nel nulla forse per la mancanza di risultati soddisfacenti o forse per altre ragioni delle quali non sono a conoscenza.

In linea di massima la divisione longitudinale del bulbo follicolare era stata definita inutile poichè dava origine nel migliore dei casi a due capelli di diametro dimezzato.

Cole insiste su tale sperimentazione sperando che sia solo il primo ciclo ad essere "dimezzato".

I successivi cicli dovrebbero accrescere il diametro del capello fino a renderlo esteticamente normale.

D'altro canto anche Gho sostiene che lasciando l'ultimo terzo del bulbo follicolare nella sua FT si può arrivare alla ricrescita del capello nella zona donatrice.

Mi auguro comunque che Cole metta la parola fine in senso positivo o negativo a tale tipo di sperimentazioni per capire i reali futuri approcci per la cura della AA.


Speriamo bene, almeno stavolta non dobbiamo attendere i classici cinque anni, ma solo qualche mese smile.gif

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  • 1 month later...

Cole sta procedendo abbastanza speditamente nei suoi test e i risultati potrebbero arrivare presto.

Speriamo bene.





We have done about 10 patients so far and we will continue to perform the multiplication trials. we are looking at one variable only at this time. we will add additional variables in due course.


we could do the procedure on anyone, however, that is interested. they do not need to be hair transplant patients to test the theory.


we will have data soon, but it will take some time. we are currently involved in many research projects at this time. one is body hair in scars. we find this works very well.


i do not expect research data on hair multiplication for at least another 2 months.


we have also cut a two hair follicle at the base and transplanted the upper segment. the two bulbs were left behind. the two bulbs grew two hairs. the two upper hair shafts have grown one hair. we will post some photos of this later today.


John Cole

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  • 3 months later...

Un piccolo aggiornamento.


Ciao :fiorellino:




we are waiting on results. we used leg hairs. no one has ever documented the anagen phase for leg hair or chest hair. we recently found that the telogen rate in chest hair can range from 48% to 54 percent based on regional variation. what this means is that hairs grow for much less time when they are on the chest and on the leg. they also rest much longer.


after transplanting hairs go into a state of dormancy we call effluvium or telogen. leg and chest hairs will stay in this phase for perhaps 8 months or longer.


if we get results is most likely will not be until march or may at the earliest.


i will not be suprised to see results, but they may take even one year to report on them. i fully expect a positive result. i expect the hairs to grow finer the first cycle and then to grow in coarser in the subsequent cycle.


i may repeat the trial on scalp hair soon. i didn't use it the first pass because i put the hair on the wrist and i did not want the patients to requrie grooming of the hair following transplantation.



John P. Cole, MD

75 14th St.

Suite 3260

Atlanta, GA 30309

800 368 4247

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